Making wartime biscuits for our trip to Duxford

With the help of Mrs Grundon and Mrs Parsons, both 5-6 Classes made wartime biscuits to take on their trip to Duxford. We used an authentic wartime recipe to make our biscuits. As food was rationed during the war we were restricted to the ingredients that we could use. These biscuits were Carrot cookies as … Read more

Come and Get Your Fruit!

Class 1/2 have been looking at different artists who use fruit as part of their art work. To develop our sketching skills, we have looked carefully at the outline and pattern inside a fruit.


Class 1R have been designing their own puppets in Design Technology lessons. They looked at different types of puppets and the materials they are made from. They then designed their own puppet based on favourite characters. We had everything from mermaids to firemen! Next week the children are going to make their puppets using sugar … Read more

New pupil in Class 3/4

A new pupil has joined Class 3/4. He is currently a little underweight and is not a great conversationalist, but we’re enjoying his company nonetheless. The skeleton has joined us for a few weeks to help with our Science topic, Moving and Growing. Today the Class were able to get up close and feel the … Read more

Our first week in Reception

Well done to the first twenty-one children who have completed a week of mornings only and lunch. We hope that you enjoy looking at a few photographs of what your child has been doing in school this week. Just to remind parents that this group of children really need to come in by themselves next … Read more

Survivors of day 1!

The children who started school today had a taster of the activites on offer during a normal day in the reception class. Free play, the story of Mrs. Rainbow and number rhymes. The rain prevented us from accessing much outdoor play but we played some active games in the hall to run off some energy.Everyone … Read more

Class 1R’s Teddy Bears Picnic

On Friday afternoon Class 1R and their teddies were invited to a Teddy Bears Picnic on the school field. The children enjoyed taking part in teddy bear races, games, songs and a picnic. They tucked into Billy Bear sandwiches, Pom Bear crisps and Gummi bears!Everyone had a lovely time in the sunshine!

Multi-Skills Festival at HGS

We had a fantastic time on Tuesday at HGS Multi-Skills Festival. We enjoyed taking part with other schools in a variety of activities. Thank you to all the HGS Sports Leaders and their hard work!