Key Stage One Activity Day!

On Friday 18th October Classes 1R, 1/2 and 2 took part in an Activity day. They had to rotate round three activities – painting, indoor athletics and orienteering. The children’s painting work was inspired by the book ‘Room on the Broom’ and they could choose which character to paint. The Athletics took place in the … Read more

KS1 Activity Day

All of KS1 explored the school field. They were required to find out about what sparrows eat, find a beech nut, find a cobweb and an acorn, as well as make a bark rubbing. Class 1/2 had lots of fun learning about their autumn environment.

Looking at autumn in reception

Autumn has been at the centre of all activity in reception this week as you may have noticed from our windows and outside area. In literacy we have looked at fiction and non- fiction books and poems about autumn. Through shared writing we have written our own autumn poems. You may like to look again … Read more

Class 3/4’s Assembly

On Wednesday 16th October Class 3/4 presented an assembly about bones to the whole school. First we all read out a script and then sang a song. We also made up some dance moves to go along with it. We were very lucky that a parent had leant us a skeleton, who we named Bob, … Read more

Class 2 at Hatfield House

Class 2 recently went to Hatfield House. We learnt all about the history of the house and how Henry VIII bought it for his children to live in. We had a tour of the garden and met a minstrel, the children’s governess and King Henry himself.

A new face in the reception class this week!

With just two weeks until half term and information evening on 14th October there is not much to say this Friday that I won’t be repeating on Monday. Another busy week with our trip to Wimpole Home Farm which was blessed with the best weather we could have hoped for! The children had an interesting … Read more

Class 1R visited Wimpole Farm

Class 1R enjoyed a lovely day at the farm. When we arrived we had our milk and biscuits. Then we were lucky enough to get a tractor ride into the farm. It was very fun! We saw lots of animals including a mare and her foal. We had our lunch outside on the picnic benches … Read more

No Worries – Be Happy!

Class 2 have been reading a book called ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Browne. Billy is a little boy who worries about everything. He goes to stay with his Grandma and she gives him some ‘Worry Dolls’. Billy tells all his worries to the worry dolls and he puts them under his pillow. That way all … Read more

Capacity work

Class 1R have been doing some capacity work in Maths this week. They were given a variety of containers and plenty of water to work with. They had to decide which containers held the most water and which held the least. Everyone worked well in their groups and were able to find the right containers, … Read more

Making the most of bright autumn days.

With only three weeks to go until half term it is amazing to see how well these children have settled into school life which is so very different to nursery. They are all making new friends and the party invites have started! They are becoming part of the whole school community and of course starting … Read more