Firework acrostic poems

Shared writing of acrostic poems about fireworks by the Reception children. FIREWORKS Fireworks go boom! I want to watch them. Rockets go BANG! Ellie loves the pretty fireworks. William likes the colours. Orange, purple, pink, yellow Red, green, and blue. Kids hold the sparklers Spin the sparkler round and round. FIREWORKS Fireworks go whoosh and … Read more

Latest news from Class 5/6A

Craig gives us all an overview of the week in Class 5/6A. The atmosphere here at William Ransom has been as lively as ever since the children came back to school after half term. The topics being learnt in each subject have been pushing the students to the best of their ability. In maths everyone … Read more

Class 3’s Start to the Year

Due to previous technical difficulties we have been unable to keep you posted on exactly what we have been doing in Class 3, until now.What a busy half term we have had in Class 3. We have been working very hard and have been learning about a vast array of things. In history we are … Read more

Seeing, hearing and feeling sound

Class 4/5 are looking at sound across several subjects this term, including manipulating sound in ICT and making musical instruments in D and T, but they are also looking at it in Science too.They started by learning about sound sources and how sound travels and now we are beginning to do some tests with how … Read more

A Win for Neptune!

Now that we have reached the end of the first half term, the House Cup was presented in assembly this morning. There was a wide spread of points this term with Mars gaining 322 points, Jupiter got 395 points, Saturn came second with 455 points and Neptune were the overall winners with 466 points. The … Read more

Half term has arrived!

Half term has arrived, a time to recharge batteries, practise skills learn so far and return fighting fit for the seven weeks that lead up to Christmas. This week we have celebrated National Apple Week by looking at and tasting different types of apples. We found out that the saying ‘An apple a day keeps … Read more

Class 5/6W Weekly Blog

Lauren has written about the Girls’ Football Tournament. Girls Football Tournament The girl’s football team went out to Wilshire Dacre School to play a football tournament against lots of different schools. We started off by practising passes and some of the girls were having penalty shots against me in goal. The positions were: Lauren D … Read more

Class 5/6A Weekly Blog

Richard starts with an overview of the week This week has been great in Class 5/6A as there has been a wide variety of work going on in all subjects. In Literacy everyone wrote a short story with the title `Behind the Door` and in maths years 5 and 6 have been doing some tests … Read more