How many weeks until Christmas!!

In Reception this week the children talked about Advent, the days leading up to the festival of Christmas. With the Advent house ready, whose picture will be behind doors 1 and 2 as we open them on Monday and light the Advent candle? The Christmas story was read, watched and the illustrations are fabulous. Look … Read more

Skipping for Compassion

Class 3/4 today undertook their sponsored skip, raising money for the children the school sponsors through Compassion UK. During breaktime, the whole class skipped continuously (as continuously as possible with a rope wrapped around your legs!) for ten minutes. Some children chose to skip standing still, with a combination of forward and backward skipping. Others … Read more

Class 1R turn into clowns for a morning!

Class 1R performed a class Assembly based on the story ‘Do-Whacky-Do’. The children were really excited about performing this story and a clown dance in front of the whole school. They learnt their lines very well and everyone spoke loudly and clearly.The children looked fantastic in their costumes – there were crazy wigs, silly noses … Read more

Road Safety in Reception

With it being Road safety week we choose to look at keeping safe whilst out with an adult and crossing the road. We looked at: King of the road and Supersafe with Superted. Then we went out and practised crossing the small road outside school. We talked about what traffic is and where we should … Read more

Class 1R have been planting tulips!

Class 1R have planted some tulip bulbs in the bed outside Class 1/2. We had to make sure the roots were facing down into the soil, then push the bulb in with our fingers. We can’t wait for the flowers to grow!We are going to plant some onions in the next bed (look out for … Read more

What an exciting week in 5/6W

This week has been quite eventful, once again, for Class 5/6W. First of all we had an exciting trip to Cadbury’s World in Birmingham. On Tuesday we had to be at school for 7:00am to gain an early tour. It took a long time to get to Cadbury’s World and we were all tired already. … Read more

Mosque role-play

Today Class Two took part in a role-play about visiting a Mosque, when their classroom was turned into a prayer hall. The children had to take off their shoes and wash their hands and face before entering the prayer hall. The girls covered their heads with a scarf and the boys wore hats, which were … Read more

Another very busy week in Class 3.

In science we started the week by investigating what materials could be magnetic and how strong some types of magnets are. We have also been investigating how to make a stable structure. The challenge was to create a structure stable enough to hold up a CD without it falling over. There was varying degrees of … Read more