Road Safety Talk

Classes R and 1R were given a talk about road safety. They learned why it is so important to cross a road safely and how to do so. They were also told about the importance of wearing a seatbelt. The children sang a song about road safety called ‘Stop, look, listen’ and there were actions … Read more

Reading Plays

To help with writing plays for puppet shows, each group in Class 2 are reading through a play. Each playing a different character in a story.

Mill Green Museum

Class 1/2 went back in time to learn about how the water powered mill works. They examined the different types of wheel motion and how it operates. Pupils discussed the ingredients required to make bread and made their own bread to take home. Class 1/2 also had a chance to explore different items that people … Read more

Let there be light!

Today in Design and Technology, Class 3/4 completed their first working circuits with a cell, two wires and a bulb. With little guidance from Mrs Burr, the children had to work out where the wires needed to go in order to complete the circuit. They found it incredibly exciting to see their bulbs come on … Read more

Winter work in Class 1R

Class 1R have been doing lots of winter work this week. They read a story called ‘The Snowy Day’ which is about a boy called Peter having lots of fun in the snow. The children wrote their own version of this story and made snowmen pictures to go with it. The snowmen are made from … Read more

Basketball Coaching

This year Class 5/6W had a basketball session with trained basketball coaches. The coaches taught the children a range of skills and moves which they were then able to use in a series of mini games. It took them a while to remember that they were able to move with the ball as they were … Read more

Welcome back!

Early morning child initiated play has been full of chatter, sharing news and telling jokes, a new addition to their social interaction. The children have obviously been inspired by all the ‘cracker’ jokes that they heard over Christmas! Our writing this week started by retelling news from the Christmas holiday. We moved on to writing … Read more

We made it and only 5 sleeps until Christmas!

Looking back over the term what a lot has been achieved. All children are now settled into the routines and the foundations of good learning have been laid. An exciting last week, with the Christmas play completed we got off to a great start with our visit to the pantomime Cinderella, at the Alban Arena. … Read more