Class 2 visit St Mary’s Church

Class 2 were lucky enough to have a lovely sunny day for their walk to St Mary’s Church today. We all enjoyed the fresh air, not to mention the biscuit when we arrived! Reverend Roden was there to meet us and told the children all about the church. At first the children had a look … Read more

Toys old and new have inspired our work this week.

What is a toy museum and how does it work? This was our Monday morning question. Using everybody’s ideas we found some answers and then had a ‘virtual tour’ of the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood. With this experience to help us, the children put on their curator badges and started to sort the piles … Read more

How does this make you feel?

Class 5/6A looked at this picture for their morning work and wrote down how they might feel if they were in the picture. The waves are towering over my head as I feel the rumbling of the ground beneath my feet. My body is numb with excitement, but my heart beats with fear. The waves … Read more

Making models of Antarctica

Today Class 3/4 made topographical models of Antarctica using a contour map to help them. They discovered that Antarctica, which is a landmass, is quite mountainous with the steepest inclines at the edges of the land. It also has a number of peaks in its centre which surround the South Pole, making it had to … Read more

Reception fun with birdwatching and teddies visiting.

Monday morning and there were lots of furry visitors to the reception class. The children welcomed their teddy bears into school on Monday as we embarked on a day of ‘bear centred’ activity. The teddy bears were measured with strips of border tape to find out which one was the tallest and who had the … Read more

Elephant, Tiger, Egg and Chips Please

Can you drum to the beat of wild animals and dinner? Class 3/4 can and were impressive in just their second djembe drumming session. Led by specialist drumming teacher, Mr White, the children were able to keep a steady pulse and follow different drumming rhythms. The class were also able to play in two halves … Read more

It was the boggart not us – honest!

Class 3/4 is reading the Spiderwick Chronicles and today acted out freeze frames. Mallory, Jared and Simon are tentatively entering the kitchen, having heard noises coming from it. Earlier Jared sprinkled flour on the floor to try and prove the boggart’s existence, but when they enter, the kitchen has been trashed! (It’s written in American … Read more

Reception learnt all about birds this week.

With the start of the ‘Big Schools’ Birdwatch’ the children have been learning about different birds that we hope to see when the binoculars come out and we go bird watching next week. They made bird cakes to encourage birds onto our school site. We made the ‘dark den’ into a bird hide to conceal … Read more