Class 3 climb a mountain…

Since we have returned from half term it has been non-stop. We have been learning about mountains and gave a class assembly in which we exampled how they were formed, what you need to climb them and Sir Edmund Hilary’s first climb of Mount Everest. In literacy we have been practicing writing and giving clear … Read more

Class 3’s spring term has been busy, busy, busy!

I can only apologise for the delay in this up date. Class 3 have been so busy. Last half term we: investigated the strength of magnets and the distance we could move an elastic band powered car; completed our work on Egypt – making death masks, pyramids, and tomb paintings; we also began to learn … Read more

Year 5/6 Street party

To finish off our unit of work on World War II, the children celebrated the end of the war with a street party. The children travelled back in time for the day and came to school in 1940s dress. They spent the morning learning to add pounds, shillings and pence, before practising their handwriting and … Read more

What an exciting week in Class 5/6W

On Monday the 24th of February people from Hitchin Girls School came and taught classes 5/6W and 5/6A P.E. Two people taught Group 1 a ‘Super Hero’ dance inside and a couple of people taught the other groups rounders and other sports outside. The Super Hero dance that was taught inside was great fun. We … Read more

What an artistic week!

What a great week for exploring our artistic talents! The children produced some exciting pictures after meeting ‘Hockney’ and being taught how to draw in his style. They also learnt how to shade in with a drawing pencil. The colour mixing and the painting was more of a challenge but everyone was pleased with the … Read more

What more art?

With a second visit from an artist, Monet this time, who could resist trying out some more techniques to produce our own works of art!Whilst half of the class finished their Hockney pictures the rest of the children made their impression of the lily pond with torn tissue paper. These were later put together to … Read more

David Hockney came to Visit!

Pupils looked at creating different pencil strokes and how to create overlapping effects. They practised this by drawing trees. David Hockney then showed the importance of colour in his work. Pupils developed their work by adding paint. Pupils are becoming more confident with mixing colours and moving the paint brush in different ways to create … Read more

Feeling Good Week for the Year 5s and 6s.

Feeling Good Week On the 10th of February the year 5 and 6 pupils started feeling good week. We have been making a folder that has all the information about your body, the changes you go through when you grow up and what to look out for as well as how to look after yourself. … Read more

Naughty Bus but not naughty children!

Well done everyone, a great half term with lots of new things learnt and now we are all ready for a break to get rid of all the nasty colds and renew our energy for the six weeks up to Easter. In literacy this week we watched the story of The Naughty Bus. You can … Read more