Class 3/4 visit Ramgarhia Gurdwara

Children in Class 3/4 had a really special afternoon when they visited Ramgarhia Gurdwara in Bearton Avenue today. The first excitement of the afternoon was that everyone had to cover their heads as a sign of respect in the Gurdwara and apparently on the walk into town as well! The children were asked to take … Read more

Class 3 / 4 are bright sparks!

After making a number of prototypes, today class 3/4 finished making torches of their own design. Some were designed to be worn on their heads, others were lanterns or bottle torches. First the children thought about the design specifications of their torch. Would it be for a climber, dog walker, camper or policeman? Does it … Read more

Another busy week in 5/6A

This week we had an assembly on anti-bullying where three guests came in to give us an example of bullying. They were very funny at times and very serious at other times. They picked a few children to play a part in the assembly and they were all amazing in the part. At the end … Read more

A week of preparation

Another busy week preparing our cards for Mother’s Day and getting ready for a class assembly. Mother’s day cards were finished just in time. I hope that the anemones made it home safely! As we prepare for our class assembly about our work on spring I would ask that all children practise saying the individual … Read more

Class 3/4’s Poetry Assembly

This morning Class 3/4 donned their ‘rapper’ outfits and hosted an assembly showcasing their own poems and some poems they have been studying. Our class assembly (in rhyme – mostly!): Recently in literacy we have been looking at poetry. We’ve looked at poems with a shape – like thin or wide. And written poems with … Read more

Sports Relief

Pupils enjoyed performing their Sports Relief dance in the morning to the entire school and parents called ‘Step it Up’ Lots of pupils beat their personal record when running for Sports Relief. Well done to Federico who the medal for Class 1/2. He was very keen from the start of the day, right to the … Read more