Pond dipping with Class 2 (part 2)

Class 2 recently visited Hitchin Girls School for a session of pond dipping! Below are part 2 of the pictures (pics 39 to 69 – although numbered 1 to 31 here!) taken from the visit to HGS. Click HERE for part 1 (pics 1 to 38).

The ICT suite was alive with the sound of music…

… and nursery rhymes and splats and horses! Today, Class 3/4 made their own audio tracks using an amazing programme called Audacity. Small groups were challenged to record a nursery rhyme (or song!) onto the PC or laptop, but then import different audio tracks into the mixing area. They added background music which needed to … Read more

Class 5/6 A get involved in The Big Write

For the past two weeks, we have been doing The Big Write. The big write is all about different styles of writing. For example , last week we wrote to ‘Our Robot Family’. Here we wrote a creative piece of writing about what we thought was inside the factory. We had to imagine what we … Read more

Aliens in reception this week

The last week of learning about space and we ventured into alien territory. Making our own aliens was a fun activity and a chance to let the imagination run riot! Story writing on ‘Fun Writing Friday’ the reception version of ‘The Big Write’ held its usual magic as the children settled down to write their … Read more

Class 2 went to Stockwood Park

We had a very interesting vistit to Stockwood Park Discovery Centre There were lots of vehicles from years ago. We found out that George Mossman had collected these vehicles and had donated them to the centre. We didn’t realise that long ago, children of our age had to go to work!

Creative Writing in Class 5/6W

This year we have been working hard in literacy trying to think about ways to uplevel and improve our own written work. We have been looking at making sure our writing is interesting for the reader, well written and structured correctly. We thought that you might like to see a few examples of the work … Read more

Class 2 Assembly

Class 2 have been learning how to play the recorder this term and performed an assembly for parents to show them their progress. Below watch Class 2 perform a few warm up exercises before the main performance.

Our fantastic solar system!

We have been learning about the planets this week. We looked at some non-fiction books to learn some facts and read some stories. Our favourite story this week was ‘Dogs in Space’. Everyone worked together to make a picture about the story. Our writing this week has included a report on the potato harvest, the … Read more