Welcome to Class 1/2

We have had a great start to the term so far and we have all settled back into school very well. On our first day everyone got a chance to talk about how much fun they had during the summer holidays and it sounded as though class 1/2 has lots of jetsetters! We have spoken … Read more

A great first week

Well done to the first twenty children who have completed a week of mornings only and lunch. The children all received an 'Achiever' sticker for being so fantastic in their first week at school. They have settled really well and have tried everything that they have been asked to do with happy smiles! As you … Read more

Class 5-6W visit Buckingham Palace

On Thursday 11th September Class 5-6W spent a day in London.  They went to visit the Royal Mews before spending the afternoon at Buckingham Palace. As part of our units of work in History and Literacy, we were lucky enough to visit London for the day.  We arrived in London at 10 O’clock and the … Read more

And it’s goodbye from all of us!

A very hot week packed with pirate stories, maths and games, a fun way to end a hard working year. On behalf of myself and my team of TA’s I would like to say thanks you all for the support that you have given your children this year. It has made the job that we … Read more

Teddy Bears Picnic

Class 1R enjoyed a Teddy Bears Picnic on the school field this afternoon. Everyone brought in their favourite teddy bear and took part in teddy bear races, a game called Teddy Teddy Bear and Teddy Bear show and tell. We had a picnic to finish and everyone enjoyed the jam sandwiches, teddy bear crisps and … Read more

Dreaming of seaside holidays!

This week the reception class were thinking about holidays at the seaside, past and present. The children heard stories about the going to the seaside and looked at features of a beach through Google Earth. The beach pictures done by the children were great and the children enjoyed looking back at seaside holidays in the … Read more

Class 2 visit the Gurdwara!

This morning Class 2 visited the Sri Singh Sabha Gurdwara to learn more about the Sikh religion and place of worship. On arrival, we were met by Harchet Singh Bains. We removed our shoes and made sure our heads were covered before entering the Gurdwara. The children were told a little about the building before … Read more

Pond dipping with Class 2 (part 1)

Class 2 recently visited Hitchin Girls School for a session of pond dipping! Below are part 1 of the pictures (pics 1 to 38) taken from the visit to HGS. Click HERE for part 2 (pics 39 to 69).