Ancient Greek Day in Year 6!

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their immersive Ancient Greek day just before half term! They arrived at school all dressed and ready to go. In the morning they were greeted by our host who introduced them to a range of Athenian projects. They spent the morning hard at work! In the afternoon we prepared dances and … Read more

Beech’s Class Assembly

In the second half of spring term, Beech took to the stage to share their English work with their grown ups as part of their class assembly. They began by talking about our unit on Roald Dahl’s James and The Giant Peach which culminated in a visit to The Roald Dahl Museum in Great Missenden. … Read more

Hazel class visit Shuttleworth

Hazel class enjoyed a trip to Shuttleworth to finish off their work on flight in History. They were able to see some old aeroplanes up close and enjoyed learning lots of interesting facts from the tour guides. They took part in a camouflage activity, ordered pictures on a timeline, had a ride in a vintage … Read more

Year 5 – rap artists!

In English, we have been studying a short unit of work on rap. We have watched, read, analysed, written and performed our own, and thoroughly enjoyed doing so. (It has taken some of the staff down a lovely 70s / 80s / 90s memory lane of music too!) This has linked nicely to the children’s … Read more

Holly Class Flying High!

In History this term, we have been learning about the pioneers of flight. To support our learning we went on a trip to the Shuttleworth Collection and had a visit from a real life pilot! Mr Evans told us all about life as an Easyjet pilot and even showed us his pilot’s license. He told … Read more

Diversity in Year 3

As part of our whole school Diversity Project, Elm and Maple classes looked at the book ‘Dogs Don’t Do Ballet’. The book is all about Biff, a little dog who longs to be a ballet dancer. Even though everyone tells him that dogs don’t do ballet, he believes in himself and achieves his dream. The … Read more

Quicksticks and Quidditch

Year 4 have enjoyed a variety of PE lessons so far this year. They kicked off the autumn term with football and gymnastics and then after half term they moved on to netball and badminton. The start of spring term saw them dancing their way to half term and getting familiar with the rules of … Read more

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…lift off!!!

We’ve blasted off with our space topic this week and spent our time looking at different aspects of space, including the planets and what it’s like to be an astronaut. At the start of each new topic we always find out what the children already know and whenever we begin our space topic are always … Read more