Our wonderful patterns

Class 2 have had fun 'taking their pencil for a walk' to create wonderful patterns. They used pastels to colour in really carefully. Everyone thought the patterns were really colourful.

Our science work

For our science work we walked around the school grounds looking for signs of autumn. During each season we will look for the changes and record them in our books. Here are some photographs of what we found.

Building Bridges in Class 3

Class 3 have been investigating stable structures as part of their DT work. Their task was to build a strong, stable bridge measuring only 10cms high and 10cms wide. The class were given a choice of polydrons, art straws and pipecleaners as materials to build their bridges. They had lots of fun coming up with different … Read more

Class 2 go to Benslow Lane!

This morning, the children of Class 2 went for a walk along Benslow Lane to practise their mapping skills. They were given a 'blank' map with just the road marked on, and challenged to mark eight features on it as we passed them on our walk. It was tricky working out which side of the road to … Read more

Class 5/6A’s Visit to Buckingham Palace

Class 5/6 A thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Buckingham Palace last week. On arrival, we were all taken through security (feeling a little like we were at the airport!) before heading through the palace towards the learning centre. Here we met our guides who split us into two groups and then led us out to … Read more

Year 5’s turn their hand to inventing.

Whilst the Year 6's were out at the Legacy Games, the year 5's of the 5/6 classes had a go at inventing a new form of transport. Their objective was to design a new mode of travel using only materials they could find at home or school. In small groups, they first jotted down, sketched, … Read more

How long is your small intestine?

Today, Class 3/4 investigated the digestion system and found out some amazing facts! The children had four questions to answer: How many cups of water can the stomach hold?; how long is the small intestine?; how long does it take for food to get from the mouth to the stomach? And how does food move … Read more