Poetry Work

Class 1R have been learning how to write and recite poems this week. The poems they have been looking at have all been about worms! The children had a lot of fun writing their own poems about what it would be like to eat a worm.  Yuck!!

Hello hats?

On Monday the reception children learnt to say hello in four languages in our International Languages Day celebrations. They looked at bread from different countries and learnt about France when Mr LeCoze visited in the afternoon. With only three weeks to go until half term it is amazing to see how well these children have settled … Read more

Poetry Work!

Class 1R have been learning how to write and recite poetry this week. Here is a video of the whole class reciting a poem called ‘Nobody Likes Me’.

Festival of Languages

This week started with a chance to learn lots about different countries and cultures. It was our Festival of Languages and we managed to visit many countries. In the morning we learnt all about Turkey. We tried some Turkish food and wore some belly dancing costumes. We then took a trip to France and learnt … Read more

Class 3 investigate how we see

In our science lesson this week Class 3 have been thinking about how we see. To investigate this question they carried out an experiment using a tube to block out all light.  Working in pairs, they placed an object in the tube and recorded what they could see when they first opened one flap, then two flaps and finally … Read more

Class 3 travel the globe!

Class 3 had a fantastic day learning about lots of different countries on Monday. We travelled to France, Mexico, Turkey, Italy and Cyprus learning about the different countries and their cultures. We also very much enjoyed sampling the local food!

Festival of Languages

Class 1R took part in the Festival of Languages on Monday 29th September.  The children were given a special William Ransom passport which meant they could 'visit' Germany, Italy, Mexico, China and France. They visited Germany first, where they learned how to count to 10 and watched a funny cartoon about a crocodile called Schnappi.  Next … Read more

What have we been doing in class 1/2

After hearing all about Group two’s summer adventures in show and tell, Group one started us off thinking about Harvest. We had a look at some fruit and vegetables, books about Harvest and some very impressive combine harvesters. In Maths we have had lots of practise using 100 squares to help us with our adding … Read more

Well done to the children in the reception class

Already we are half way through the first half term and the children in the reception class have had another busy week. In maths we have been learning to describe position using correct terminology and to following positional vocabulary to place ourselves and equipment. Rosie’s Walk was a great book to use as an introduction. … Read more

Our wonderful patterns

Class 2 have had fun 'taking their pencil for a walk' to create wonderful patterns. They used pastels to colour in really carefully. Everyone thought the patterns were really colourful.