War Horse Book Reviews

The children in the 5/6 Classes read War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.  They then wrote Book Reviews.  As you will see from their book reviews, the children absolutely loved the story.   Book Review War Horse by Michael Morpurgo Plot: Joey – who is a young horse – gets separated from his mother and then … Read more

Making impressions of our teeth

Class 3/4 investigated teeth in their recent science lesson. They discussed how many baby teeth they currently have and how adult teeth will be coming through soon. The children also made an impression of their bite and then made models of their mouths. Some children had more teeth than others whilst they await their adult … Read more

Looking at autumn in reception

Autumn has been at the centre of all activity in reception this week. In literacy we have looked at fiction and non-fiction books and poems about autumn. You may like to look again at the autumn story entitled ‘In the Autumn’ on: sebastianswan.org.uk/autumn/bkau.html The children looked at a non-fiction book on how to plant a … Read more

Our Activity Day

It’s been another busy week in class 1/2 this week and we ended it with an excellent activity day. In Literacy we have been looking at information texts all about sharks. We have also read some fun stories about sharks and we were very lucky to find a narrated cartoon of one of these stories. … Read more


In their computing lessons Class 5/6A have been learning all about blogging. They all decided to have a go. They had to think about their target audiences and what message they were trying to get across to their reader. Here are some examples of their work: William Ransom goes around the world Wow what busy weeks … Read more

Let’s get ready for our Activity day

We have a Key Stage One Activity day on Friday and it would be very much appreciated if we could have some volunteers to come in and help run the activities. We will have a session in the morning and another one after lunch. If you are available to help with either session please return … Read more

Fun at the farm!

The hi-light of this week was of course the trip to Wimpole Home Farm. Despite a dreary start we only had 5 minutes of rain whilst eating dinner, not even enough to make us seek shelter. The rain had added to the excitement, in creating some lovely muddy muddles and as all children were in … Read more

Computing work in class 1R

The children in Class 1R had a lesson on using digital cameras.  They were shown how to take photos, zoom in and out, and how to look at photos they had already taken.  They set out with the task of taking an interesting photo of something in the school grounds.  I think the selfie is the … Read more