Forget OS Maps and SAT Nav – try these!

In geography, Class 3/4 has been working on their mapping skills by looking at aerial views of towns and villages and their mapped equivalent. To hone their skills the class went on a field trip to Highbury Road and mapped the complex road layout – with great results! The success criteria for each small group … Read more

Class 4/5 visit Waterbeach Waste Management Site

On what has turned out to be one of the chilliest Tuesday mornings of the term so far, Class 4/5 braved a visit to Waterbeach Waste Management Site in Cambridgeshire to find out exactly what happens to our rubbish. The first activity of the day was to sort some rubbish in to five different piles; … Read more

Road Safety in Reception

With it being Road Safety Week we invited the Road Safety Team in to talk to the children. Unfortunately the man who was due to come in was ill on Monday and was then unable to come in on Friday as rearranged. Our lessons were planned to follow on from the professional road safety input … Read more

Children in Need Cake Sale and Raffle

On Friday 14th November, the School Council organised a cake sale and raffle to raise money for Children in Need.  The cake sale was a great success due to the large quantity of cakes.  Thank you to anyone who donated! In the afternoon we were also joined in our special assembly by a very special … Read more

History in Class 3

In History, Class 3 have been learning about Stonehenge and how archaeologists have had to use clues left behind by the builders of Stonehenge to try to understand how it might have once looked. They also considered the different theories about why prehistoric people might have built such a huge monument.  The next step was … Read more