World Class Speed Stacker Coaches Class 3/4

After a thrilling whole school assembly where James Acraman, one of the UK's fastest speed stackers showed his quick-as-a-flash stacking skills, Class 3/4 were treated to a masterclass. Many members of Class 3/4 have signed up to speed stacking club, whilst many more are avid fans of the sport. So when James showed the class … Read more

Class 2 puppet shows!

At last Class 2 have finished making their puppets and writing the scripts for their shows. Today each group performed to the rest of the class. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the plays and we laughed a lot! This photo shows the wedding.

Only 6 sleeps until Christmas!

Looking back over the term what a lot has been achieved. All children are now settled into the routines and the foundations of good learning have been laid. It has been an exciting last week, with the Christmas play completed; we got off to a great start with our visit to the pantomime Jack and … Read more

Healthy Teeth Experiment

Class 3/4 undertook an experiment to discover which liquids are harmful to tooth enamel. They then looked at their own oral health.   Unwrapping and lifting the eggs from their differing liquids caused some 'Ooohs, ahhhs and YUKS!' as funny smells circulated the classroom. First egg unveiling was water, which we discovered had had no … Read more

Class 2 have made their puppets!

Having made their puppets, Class 2 now have to write a script for their puppet shows. Their performances will take place this week. We need to think of lots of ideas for our shows! We are really looking forward to performing!

Show time for reception class

The whole school watched the children perform their Christmas show on Wednesday morning and despite being a bit like sardines squashed into just half of the hall they all seemed to enjoy the performance. A great show, with very few incidents! Their last performance to parents and grandparents this afternoon was amazing!Despite a busy week … Read more

Which drinks will rot our tooth enamel?

Class 3/4 is carrying out an experiment to find out which drinks are good and which are bad for our teeth. Firstly the class discussed how we could carry out this experiment, especially making it a fair test. We then set up the experiment with hard boiled eggs. The egg shells will mimic tooth enamel. … Read more