Pikes and Straddles

So far in Class 3/4's gym unit we have been concentrating on good posture and body shape in our pikes and straddle shapes. Today, the class continued this work by putting their pike and straddle shapes,along with other balances, together into small sequences. The pairs then performed them in either mirror or cannon, or both. … Read more

Learning about birds in reception this week

With the start of the ‘Big Schools’ Bird watch’ the children have been learning about different birds that we hope to see when the binoculars come out and we go bird watching next week. The children made bird cakes to encourage birds onto our school site and we moved our bird table onto the field … Read more

Trying something new

Class 4/5 have been trying out some new and exciting sports in PE along with aiming for personal bests with indoor athletics. Over the last few weeks in PE, Class 4/5 have been working on personal bests. We have been using our indoor PE slot to test ourselves on various different indoor athletics activities. Several … Read more

Class 3 have a go at sitting volleyball and boccia

Class 3 took part in the Paralympic / Olympic Roadshow today and were given the opportunity to play sitting volleyball and boccia.   They were coached on the skills and rules required to play both sports and then had a go at some games.  It was great fun and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience!  

Our science investigation work

For our science investigation work, we were sorting objects into two groups. Those that were 'Dead' and those that were 'Never Alive!' It was quite difficult to make decisions about some of the objects and we were surprised that some had been alive, but were now dead- a wooden bookcase, paper,cotton.

Class 1R have been for a walk!

Class 1R have been learning about houses in their Geography lessons.  Today they have learnt the names of different types of houses such as detached, bungalow and terraced.  They went for a walk to see if they could identify these types of houses.  Mrs Thorn kept a tally of what they saw and the children recorded this … Read more

Observational drawings

Class 1R have been learning how to do observational drawings.  Today they had a go at drawing shells.  They were told to look closely at the size, shape, colour and texture of the shells.  They then had to draw the shells just using a pencil.  Some of the children had a go at shading as well … Read more

The crocus bulbs are in flower in reception

This week in literacy we have been reading different versions of the well-known story of Little Red Riding Hood. Throughout the week we read books together, encouraging the children to read along. The story gave us a chance to talk about keeping themselves safe by doing what their parents tell them and of course not … Read more

Science work about animals

In our science work we are learning about animals. Harrison's mum brought in his 5 week old baby sister, Ivy, and we saw how small she was. We asked sensilble questions and learned lots about what babies need. In July, Ivy will come back to visit us and we can see how she has changed.

Class 3 have a go at speed stacking

After being mesmerised by speed-stacking ace James Acraman in assembly, Class 3 were treated to some coaching back in the classroom.   We all discovered that it wasn't quite as easy as it looked!