KS1 Artist Day – Henri Rousseau

Key Stage One have spent the day learning about and being inspired by the artist Henri Rousseau! They attended an Assembly this morning about the life of Rousseau where they learnt some interesting facts about him as well as looking at some of his pieces of work. This was followed by a sketching workshop and … Read more

Naughty bus, but a good week!

Well done everyone, a great half term with lots of new things learnt and now we are all ready for a break to get rid of colds and colds and renew our energy for the six weeks up to Easter. In literacy this week the children received a challenge from ‘Magic Granddad’ when they received … Read more

Our science work

In science we walked around the school grounds looking for signs of winter. The trees stood tall and bare, we saw our evergreen holly bush and we saw birds pecking for food on our field.

French posters

Both 5/6 Classes recently completed a unit of work in French about their hobbies. They learnt to say which activities they like and dislike and also to use adjectives to describe hobbies. In the last lesson, they created posters using some of the language they had learnt.

Teams ‘try’ hard in class tournament

Today Class 3/4 ended their tag rugby unit with a very competitive class tournament. The class were split into four teams and they played each other. For many it was the first time they had played tag rugby before, but they embraced the cold and the rules to take part in great games. Tag rugby … Read more

Year 5 Maths

During our work in Maths, the children used squared paper to draw their names. They then drew a reflection of them in a mirror line and coloured them in to make them more attractive.  Here are some examples.

Exploring British Values

As an introduction to exploring British Values, Class 5/6W looked at what it means to be British. We then looked at our own sense of identity and created coats of arms to represent who we are.

Toys old and new

Looking at toys old and new was the focus of our work this week. We started the week with Dogger by Shirley Hughes, a firm favourite of many children. We heard the story, and watched the video clip as a reward for some excellent writing.Tuesday saw the arrival of parents and grandparents toys and there … Read more

Drumming Fun in Class 3/4

This term Class 3/4 are learning to play the djembe drums! Mr White, the drumming teacher, has been so impressed with the class so far. They can maintain a steady tempo, even when the class are split and two different rythms are simultaneously being played. The class are enjoying it immensely as it is a … Read more

Welcome to our teddies and a week of bears!

The children welcomed their teddy bears into school on Monday as we embarked on a day of ‘bear centred’ activity. The teddy bears were measured to find out which one was the tallest and who had the smallest. Anna’s teddy was a centimetre taller than Georgie’s, Joseph’s ‘Little Bear’ being the shortest. When we measured … Read more