Lighting up Class 3/4

Today Class 3/4 made torches of their own design in Technology. As well as wiring the circuit, the children had to fit them to their torch and ensure they were robust enough to use.  Many were also decorated beautifully. The class surpassed expectations and almost everyone finished a working torch. Huge thanks go to our parent helpers … Read more

Letter from the School Council

We are the School Council and we have been out at the school gates for the last 2 weeks watching the traffic. We have been concerned about a number of different problems that we have seen and we think could cause an accident. These are the things we have seen: ·         People driving too fast … Read more

World Book Day in Class 1R!

All of the children were invited to come to school dressed as a book character for World Book Day and Class 1R looked wonderful in their costumes!  They also took part in a puppet workshop where they learnt how to create different expressions by changing the features on a face.  Finally, Class 4/5 read some … Read more

The vehicles we made in Design and Technology

In our Design and Technology work we had to design and make a vehicle that had an axle and wheels. Everyone enjoyed doing this work and we used lots of skills we had learnt, like measuring accurately, in maths. We had to saw carefully when making the axlw rods and then take care when using … Read more

Class 1R visit Shuttleworth

Class 1R visited Shuttleworth this week as part of their History work.  They have been learning about the oldest aeroplanes and the first aeroplane flight in this country.  So far, the children have learnt about Samuel Cody and his work on the early aeroplanes.  They are about to study Amy Johnson and her solo flight … Read more

3D Antarctica models

Today in Class 3/4 we looked at contour lines on maps of the local area and then looked at a topographical map of Antarctica to inspire our model making. We discovered that Antarctica is a landmass and in the summer is not as round-shaped as in the winter due to the unfrozen sea. We also … Read more

Celebrations and visiting artists, what a busy week!

With two celebrations to learn about and ‘visiting artists’ it was bound to be another busy week in reception. Monday, the first day back after half term was a time of sharing news, verbally and in our writing. Tuesday was ‘William Ransom Pancake Day’. We followed a recipe to make pancakes, watched the pancakes being … Read more