Easter is here!

Another busy week passed quickly, concluding our work on homes and spring and doing some assessment tasks and observations to see how everyone is doing. With Easter cards made, soil ‘topped up’ on the shooting potatoes and the Easter story finished it was an action packed week. Roll an Easter Bunny, (a dice game to … Read more

A busy term for the School Council!

The School Council have been busy this term, meeting regularly to discuss any issues raised by the members of their classes and organising some bigger events. Their first job was to ensure that every class had a 'School Council suggestion box' so that ideas could be put forward more easily. Over a couple of lunchtimes, the … Read more

Watch Class 3/4s stunning drumming assembly!

Today, Class 3/4 performed their djembe drumming skills to a packed-out crowd. Tutored by Mr White, the class performed a number of drumming rhythms as well as some solos and dancing moves. It was enjoyed by all. Well done children!

Artist Day

After a morning learning about the artist William Turner, Class 3 created their own masterpieces back in the classroom. 

Tennis Lesson

Class 1R were lucky enough to receive a tennis training session with Charlotte from Letchworth Tennis Club this week.  They learned how to use a forehand and backhand stroke and how to volley the ball over the net.  They played lots of games to practise these new skills.  It was lots of fun!

Watch Class 3/4s Dance Assembly

We are learning about Antarctica in Geography and decided to create a dance about penguins for indoor PE. We were inspired by the story from March of the Penguins.  We watched the trailer then looked at the different parts of the story.

Class 3 make mini-beast hotels

Groundworks returned to school to work with Class 3 to make some mini-beast hotels to hang in the nature area.  We worked in groups of ten and took turns to make the 'hotels' out of bamboo.  Once they were finished we hung the 'hotels' in trees and bushes for the mini-beasts of William Ransom to visit and to … Read more

Class 3 become Celtic Warriors for the day

Class 3 have been learning about life in Britain in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.  As part of their studies, they spent a day at Celtic Harmony Camp learning about what life was ilke for a Celtic warrior in the Iron Age.  We were met at the hillfort gate by our warrior guides … Read more