Art From Nature – Holly Class

In art, we have been learning about how sculptors use nature in their art and often start by sketching ideas. Having studied some natural objects closely, by sketching in different ways, Holly class then had fun creating interesting sculptures using objects collected from nature.

Short weeks but full of learning!

We’ve all been very lucky the last two weeks to enjoy two bank holidays and a coronation. The children coped amazingly with any changes to the timetable to accommodate our procession practices and a slightly different start to the week on a Tuesday. As always, there has been time for for a bit of Discover … Read more

School skipping days

After the Easter holidays, the whole school took part in professional skipping sessions in their classes. This looked to teach all children how to do the basic skip, learn different skipping skills, increase fitness, learn some skipping games and work on their mental well being through physical activity. The children (and many adults) fully threw … Read more

Fruit and veg fun in Hazel class

The children in Hazel class have been exploring ways to prepare fruit and vegetables as part of their DT work this week. They had a go at peeling, chopping, juicing and grating a variety of fruit and vegetables in preparation for the fruit kebabs they will design and make in the next few weeks.

Dragon stories!

In Year 2, we have reading The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. The children have been hard at work creating their own stories involving a dragon and this week they had the opportunity to perform their stories to their classmates. It’s always nice to give the children an opportunity to share their work with … Read more

Discover & Doing in Summer Term!

What a fabulous couple of weeks we have had to the start of Summer Term. The children have fully embraced the half term’s theme of What a Wonderful World. Over the last fortnight we have been exploring rainforests and comparing them to British woodland. We have done some lovely adult directed activities and during Discover … Read more

An Exciting Start to Summer in Holly Class

What an exciting start to the summer term! Visiting artist Tilly Wonham led an art workshop this week. The children learnt how to create an image of a fish using printing techniques. The results were fantastic! As part of our Geography work, we completed a traffic survey on Wymondley Road. There were a lots of … Read more

Enrichment time in Reception!

Last week we were lucky enough to have two lots of visitors in addition to all the usual lovely activities the children access throughout the week. On Thursday morning, the very talented local artist Tilly Wonham came to Reception for an art workshop with the children. We spent the whole morning learning new skills and … Read more