What’s under our feet?

In science Class 3 have been learning about rocks and soil.  We began by asking the question 'What is under our feet?'   After lots of discussion, and some very interesting theories, Class 3 drew some fantastic diagrams to illustrate the internal structure of the Earth from the topsoil all the way to the inner core.  … Read more

Class 3/4 turns into a Gurdwara for the afternoon!

Today the mobile classroom was turned into a Diwan Hall in a Gurdwara with a raised platform (Tahkt) and canopy (Chanani) for the Sikh's special book. Firstly, the children had to cover their heads, take off their shoes and socks and wash their hands so they were prepared to enter the hall. Next they walked … Read more

£125 raised – thank you!

Class 3/4s Bounce for Compassion (and Nepal) raised £125. Thank you to everyone for their sponsorship. We surpassed our expectations of what we would raise and as a result have been able to donate £62.50 to both Joel and the Nepal Earthquake appeal. The children enjoyed the sponsored event and the money raised is going … Read more

Our avocado seed

For our Science work on Living Things we planted an avocado seed in a small pot of soil. As it started to grow we put it into a bigger pot. It is over a metre tall and still growing! If anyone knows about avocado plants, please tell class 2.

Spiders, our topic for this week and not a live spider in sight!

The reception children knew the basic facts about our eight legged friends. Through non-fiction books, e-books and websites, lots of new interesting information has been learnt. We also looked at stories and rhymes about spiders. Our ‘Big Write’ on Friday was non-fiction writing about spiders. The shared writing done on Monday had been beneficial for … Read more

Butterfly week in the reception class

In class this week the children have been learning about butterflies and waiting for our Painted Lady caterpillars to arrive. We have read some great stories about butterflies. From the informative Usborne ‘Butterflies’ with its informative website, to the classic fiction text, The very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. This is the Usborne website about … Read more

Class 3/4 Bounces for Compassion

Today Class 3/4 undertook their sponsored 'bounce' to raise money for Compassion UK and our sponsored pupil, Joel. Due to the amazing amount the class managed to raise, we have also decided to donate money to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.    On Wednesday 29th April 2015 we did the ‘Bounce for Compassion’. It was a … Read more

Where have all the tadpoles gone?

This week the children returned after the Easter holidays and we started our work on life cycles and living things. Unfortunately we have had no tadpoles to study this year which is the first year ever. Please if you are reading this and have a pond full of these ‘delightful creatures’ we would welcome a … Read more

A busy term for the School Council!

The School Council have been busy this term, meeting regularly to discuss any issues raised by the members of their classes and organising some bigger events. Their first job was to ensure that every class had a 'School Council suggestion box' so that ideas could be put forward more easily. Over a couple of lunchtimes, the … Read more