Our Lowry

We have been looking at the work of L.S Lowry one of Britain's most famous artisits. After studying his work and having lots of practise, we thought we would try to make our own display. This was very difficult and took a long time but we are very happy with our work.

Class 1/2s Magnificent Coat of Many Colours

In D&T we have been making our own coats for our teddy bears. We have developed our designs over a number of lessons until we were happy with them. We practised using a paper template before starting to use our fabric, just in case we made any mistakes. We still have a bit of work … Read more

Class 4/5 step back in time

Class 4/5 spent the day at Knebworth House, learning all about the Tudors and their connections with the Lytton family. The weather was beautiful, which made the walk down the tree lined path all the more interesting. Once on the house, the class created a human timeline taking in who the Tudor monarchs were, when … Read more

Class 4/5 had loaves of fun in DT this term.

In Design and Technology this half term, Class 4/5 have been looking at bread. The first session was one of the most popular as it was all about eating bread! They tried several different types of bread, noting the appearance and texture of it before jotting down what they thought about the taste. Then in … Read more

Sponsored Silence for Compassion UK

Many douted us. They thought that it couldn't be done… but Class 3 rose to the challenge and successfully completed their 30 minute sponsored silence for Compassion UK! They were all fantastic and have raised a huge amount for Joel in Uganda.  Thanks to everyone for your support.

Year 5s during School Journey Week

Our week without Year Sixes This blog is about our week without Year Sixes. We have done multiple things this week including; Sports Leaders and a project on ‘les pays francophones’. On Monday and Tuesday we learned about Sports Leaders with Mrs Burr. First of all we talked about what a Sports Leader is and … Read more

French Calligrams

After tests in Maths, English and Science, we decided to have some fun with French phonics.  The children created calligrams in French.  Some children chose to create new species by putting two animals together – eg  chien + ecureuil = chreuil;  some children described how the colour of an animal made them think of something else … Read more

French Calligrams

After tests in Maths, English and Science, we decided to have some fun with French phonics.  The children created calligrams in French.  Some children chose to create new species by putting two animals together – eg  chien + ecureuil = chreuil;  some children described how the colour of an animal made them think of something else … Read more

Class 1R have been on a Minibeast Hunt!

Class 1R have been learning about mini beasts as part of their Science work. They went for a walk in the nature area to see what mini beasts they could find.   They watched some videos about mini beasts beforehand so they knew all the best places to look! They took cameras with them so they … Read more


Class 1R have been writing about superheroes in Literacy this week.  They began by looking at the superheroes we see in comics, cartoons and films and then they started to think about the superheroes they know in real life… Class 1R made a list of these superheroes.  They came up with parents, teachers, firemen and … Read more