Class 3’s Assembly

Anyone for tennis?  Class 3 hoped to inspire the rest of the school with their class assembly on tennis. They all remembered their lines, spoke clearly and performed the poem beautifully.  Well done Class 3!

Learning about recycling in reception

It was a rather unusual start to the term with an inspirational writing day. An early assembly told us of the strange ‘find’ on the school field and the class set off to investigate. What did we find? An abandoned parachute hanging from a tree, a brown hat and two abandoned cases, one of which … Read more

Our Pizza Express Experience

On Tuesday 2nd June 2015 Class 3/4 went to Pizza Express. We left school at 8.50am. It took us 20 minutes to walk there. When we got there the waitress, Wendy told us the history of Pizza Express. It first started in 1965 and a man called Peter Boizot started it. There are over 500 … Read more

An Exciting Writing Day for Class 1R!

Yesterday was a very exciting day in school!  A parachute was found caught in a tree on our school field first thing in the morning.  Mrs Driver decided we should abandon our regular lessons and use this interesting turn of events to inspire our writing. Class 1R went out to look at the parachute, the … Read more

Exciting Writing!

Wow what an exciting day we've had today. We came in today to find a parachute caught up in a tree. Mrs Driver then called a special assembly so we could investigate further. Upon close inspection we found there was also a top secret suitcase and a smaller black box. This set our imagination's off … Read more

Class 4/5 had loaves of fun in DT this term.

In Design and Technology this half term, Class 4/5 have been looking at bread. The first session was one of the most popular as it was all about eating bread! They tried several different types of bread, noting the appearance and texture of it before jotting down what they thought about the taste. Then in … Read more

Year 5s during School Journey Week

Our week without Year Sixes This blog is about our week without Year Sixes. We have done multiple things this week including; Sports Leaders and a project on ‘les pays francophones’. On Monday and Tuesday we learned about Sports Leaders with Mrs Burr. First of all we talked about what a Sports Leader is and … Read more

Sponsored Silence for Compassion UK

Many douted us. They thought that it couldn't be done… but Class 3 rose to the challenge and successfully completed their 30 minute sponsored silence for Compassion UK! They were all fantastic and have raised a huge amount for Joel in Uganda.  Thanks to everyone for your support.

Just William stories

In 5/6 W and A, we have been reading some of the Just William stories by Richmal Crompton.  The children enjoyed the stories so much that we chose to write some of our own.  The children tried to ensure the main characters were the same.  They also needed to remember that these stories were written … Read more