Local History Walk

Class 5/6 A & W set out for their Local History Walk accompanied by Sam Hankin who filmed the whole day on a time lapse camera! This is a unique insight into what the whole day was like and what both classes got up to! The objective of the day was to discover as much … Read more

A Wonderful Woodland Walk

On the hottest day of the year, some of the children from 5/6A and 5/6W took a stroll through the Nature Area.  They were looking closely for signs of summer to inspire them in their poetry.  As a group, they chose the title, 'A Wonderful Woodland Walk'.  They discussed which poetic devices they would use … Read more

KS1 visit Whipsnade Zoo!

On Tuesday 30th June all four Key Stage One classes visited Whipsnade Zoo.  It was a fantastic day despite the soaring temperatures.  The children in Class 1R got to see lots of animals and were lucky enough to take part in an educational session called 'Colours of the Zoo'.  They learnt about meerkats, lions and … Read more

Class 1R take part in the Pro Kick Challenge!

On a very hot and sunny afternoon, Class 1R took part in the Pro Kick Challenge.  The special goal measures how fast you can kick the ball and all the children received a certificate for their efforts. Please send in any outstanding sponsership money as it is going to a charity raising money for Nepal.  … Read more

Designing a bedroom for Harry Potter

This week in some of our Maths lessons, the children were exploring using scale to create models.  First, we looked at the scale model of Hogwarts castle on the internet.  We then discussed the fact that every dimension is 1/24 of what would be real-life size. Then, the children made a scale model working out the  … Read more

Christopher Columbus Assembly

Class 1R have been learning about Christopher Columbus recently as part of their History lessons.   They concluded the topic with a class assembly showing all they had learnt.   Mrs Tite was very impressed with how well all the children had remembered their lines.

Awesome Audacity

Class 3/4 continued their Computing unit of work on Communication and Sound, utilising the software package Audacity to make fabulous sound clips! After last week mastering uploading sound effects, this week the children were learning how to upload and manage backing tracks along with their own voices. They recorded nursery rhymes (or their versions of!) … Read more

Class 3 visit Cambridge University Botanic Gardens

As part of our science unit this term, Class 3 visited Cambridge University Botanic Gardens.  We had a fantastic day exploring the grounds and venturing into all the glasshouses.  Our guides answered lots of questions about plants and habitats, we planted our own seeds  and we  also got to hold the largest seed in the world – Coco … Read more