Class 3 get practical in maths

Class 3 get practical in maths by exploring empty number lines and practising their sense of number by placing 2-digit and 3-digit numbers on an empty number line.  They realised that to be as accurate as possible they had to find landmark numbers along the line. It wasn't long before they were challenging each other with lots of tricky numbers … Read more

Printing work

Class 1R have been learning how to print.  They printed with apples in the first week and then had a go at printing with leaves. Here are some examples of their work.

Welcome to our younger reception children

The older children have done their first full week, nearly everyone coming into school all by themselves and settling to play. The younger children have made a great start, getting used to the daily routines and coping with dinners in a busy dining room. They have experienced all types of indoor and outdoor learning both … Read more

Mapping work with Class 2

Class 2 went for a walk up Benslow Lane this morning to practise their mapping skills. They had to find eight different objects or buildings and mark them in the correct places on their pre-drawn maps. It was quite tricky to work out exactly where to put them and even which side of the road … Read more

New House Captains

Welcome to our new House Captains for 2015 – 2016, Alina, George, Austen, Annabel, Feranmi, Lucy, Callum and Isabella. They have already held their first assembly and are looking forward to leading their houses during this year.

Welcome to the first group of reception children

Well done to the eighteen children who have completed a week of mornings only and lunch. On Thursday the children all received an 'Achiever' sticker for being so fantastic in their first week at school. They have settled really well and have tried everything that they have been asked to do with happy smiles! As … Read more

A musical start to the year!

Today Class 4/5 made a start on their first DT project of the year, musical instruments! Like all good designers they assessed and evaluated what was already on the market. They were presented with a varied collection of instruments to look at and had to make a notes about what materials they were made from, … Read more

Butterfly World

We had lots of fun at Butterfly World and got to find out all about butterflies and ants. There was lots to do at Butterfly World; we walked in the flower meadows, explored the exciting gardens, played in the music meadow and saw lots of butterflies.   

End of Term Activities

Here are some photos of our Class assembly about our trip to Butterfly World. we also have photos of the KS1 activity day and the high flying kite day.