This Week in Class 1/2

This week in Class 1/2 we will be continuing to make our Tudor houses and so if your child has not already brought in their box, could they please do so. Cereal boxes are the ideal size but they can vary slightly from this. We will also be starting our new spelling lists. The children … Read more

The Festival of Languages

Last week, we travelled around the world in just one day.  We visited Mexico, Germany, France,China, India, Cyprus, Russia, Denmark and Italy.  Have a look at our photos to see what we experienced.  It was a fantastic day for everybody involved.

The New School Council!

The newly-elected members of The School Council for 2015-2016 met for the first time yesterday. A 'chair', two 'vice-chairs' and a 'secretary' were elected during the meeting and the group are full of ideas and enthusiasm.

The Festival of Languages

The children in the  5/6 classes travelled to Russia, Greece, Denmark, India, Germany, Mexico, Italy and China.  We had a try at Greek and Indian dancing, learnt all about Hans Christian Andersen, loved the Russian snacks and fruit tea, joined in singing Schnappi das kleine Krododil and much, much more. All of the children and … Read more

Celebrating harvest in reception

With only three weeks to go until half term, it is amazing to see how well these children have settled into school life which is so very different to nursery. They are all making new friends and the party invites have started! They are becoming part of the whole school community and of course starting … Read more

IWM Duxford

On Thursday 24th September, the two 5/6 classes were whisked back in time to the Second World War. Dressed for the occasion and carrying our authentic provisions we made our way over to IWM Duxford to find out what life was like for local people in WW2. Our day consisted of two parts. Firstly, we … Read more

Class 3 travel back in time to the Stone Age

Class 3 travelled back in time to experience what life was like in the Stone Age.  We had a fantastic day learning how Stone Age people lit fires, built shelters, hunted and gathered their food and how they made weapons and tools out of the materials around them.  Class 3 really got stuck into all … Read more

Festival of Languages

Class 1R had a wonderful day at the Festival of Languages.  They visited Mexico, China, Cyprus and Denmark.  As well as learning some new languages, they were able to try new food and find out lots of interesting things about the countries they visited. In Mexico, Class 1R learnt a dance called 'The Mexican Hat … Read more

Sing! Sing! Sing! When you’re happy…

Last week Class 4/5 took part in a singing workshop at Princess Helena College under the direction of their Head of Music, Rufus Frowde. They spent the morning learning six different songs and then performed them in the afternoon for their parents. Full of enthusiasm, we were the first school to arrive and so managed … Read more

What a lot we have done!

We are almost half way through the first half term. The children in the reception class have had another busy week. In maths we have been learning to describe position using correct terminology and to following positional vocabulary to place ourselves and equipment. Number recognition and writing the numerals has been an area which the … Read more