Fire Fighters!

We had such an amazing treat on the last day of term when we were visited by Hitchin Fire and Rescue Service. They came to tell us all about how things have changed since The Great Fire of London and about how some things have stayed very similar. They showed us the equipment they use … Read more

Class 3s Fabulous Photo Frames!

Class 3 today took home their fabulous photo frames. Professionally made and beautifully decorated everyone was proud of their creations. The children designed the frames after learning about what makes structures strong and practising standing structures up using triangles. The outcomes have been outstanding, with frames decorated with jewels and stickers and buttons and lollypop … Read more

Half term has arrived

Half term has arrived, a time to recharge batteries, practise skills learnt so far and return fighting fit for the seven weeks that lead up to Christmas. Following on from our autumn activities last week, some of the children used their woodland collections to make faces in the style of an artist called Arcimboldo. This … Read more

Toadstools by the car park

In science we are learning about living things. We were excited to see these toadstools growing by the school car park. We must remember that we should never eat toadstools because they will make us very ill.

Fire fighters from Hitchin Fire Station visit Class 1/2

Hi Parents/Guardians The fire fighters from Hitchin Fire Station visited Class 1/2 at William Ransom School today and we had such a great time! Class 1/2 saw the fire engine, the fire fighters’ uniform and squirted water through the hoses, but most importantly we were asked to check that we had smoke alarms in our … Read more

Class 3 recreate Stonehenge

In history we have been learning about Stonehenge.  We found out where it is located, what it looks like today and when it was first built and who built it.  The class discussed theories about how people in the New Stone Age managed to build such a huge structure without any modern tools and machinery.  We also thought about … Read more

Autumn is here!

The week started with finishing off our learning about the farm. Matching baby animals to their mothers and fathers and learning the names. Mr Stewart played a game to reinforce this over the past two Fridays! We also learnt about the products that come from different animals. Monday afternoon saw the start of our ‘Looking … Read more

Class 3/4 visit to The Natural History Museum in Tring

As part of our science unit this term on teeth, Class 3/4 went to the Natural History Museum in Tring.  First we looked around the museum at the many animal displays and completed a worksheet about animal teeth.  We then took part in a workshop and each group was given a different animal skull to … Read more

Fun at the farm!

The hi-light of this week was of course the trip to Wimpole Home Farm. Despite a dreary start we only had a relatively short period of rain and were allowed to eat our dinner in the warmth of the café. The children looked around the ‘rare breeds’ farm. In their talk they learnt about the … Read more

Class 1R visit Wimpole Farm!

Class 1R had a fantastic day at the farm despite the rather damp weather.  They saw many animals including sheep, cows, shire horses, Shetland ponies, pigs, geese and goats. They were lucky enough to watch the pigs being fed (a very noisy experience) and they also saw a cow being milked.  They had a lovely lunch … Read more