Today the whole school met on the playground at 11am to 'Stamp Out Bullying'. This was part of a national campaign organised by the First News newspaper. Members of the School Council and The Orbit (school newspaper) teams spotted this campaign in First News at the beginning of term and were keen to get involved. … Read more

Class 3 meet Twig the Tortoise

As part of their literacy topic on information texts Class 3 have written information booklets about how to look after a pet tortoise.  To allow the children to have first-hand experience of a tortoise and it's needs, Mrs Davis-Plummer kindly brought her pet tortoise Twig into the classroom and spoke to the children about Twig's … Read more

Cake Sale Success!

Last Thursday, 12th November, members of the School Council ran a cake sale to raise money for Children in Need. Some of the older members had made posters and put these up around the school prior to the day, and the amount of cakes donated was overwhelming. The School Council helped Mrs Mills and Mrs … Read more

Pizza Express

Class 1/2 took a trip to Pizza Express this week, where we learnt how to make a pizza. We had a very busy morning on Tuesday, which started with a walk into town. When we arrived at Pizza Express, we were welcomed by Wendy and shown to our tables. Wendy then showed us how to … Read more

Another week of celebrations

Another week of celebrations: Diwali and Remembrance Day both on November 11th and it was also National Nursery Rhyme week. The children looked at Espresso and learnt about Diwali, a Hindu and Sikh festival and made divas and Rangoli patterns. After a Remembrance Day assembly and a 2 minute silence the children learnt more on … Read more

Children in Need and more…

Members of the School Council have been busy at their meetings this half term, making plans to raise money for Children in Need amongst other things. Children in Need is on Friday 13th November this year, but the School Council are holding their cake sale on Thursday 12th November.  If you are able to donate … Read more

Recorder Reggae

Class 3 learned to play part of Bob Marley's Three Little Birds on the recorder last week. Along with the backing music, they played the notes B and C to complete the bass line. It was really good fun and dreadlocks were not needed! 

The excitement of fireworks

Another busy week as the children learnt some new skills and practised the old. The week started with retelling our half term holiday news which made exciting listening! With Bonfire night on Thursday the children looked at the life of Guy Fawkes and listened to firework poems. They tried to think of words that described … Read more

Our Autumn walk

We wanted to look for signs of Autumn. As we walked outside, across our school field, we saw beautiful colours. The leaves on the trees were yellow, orange, red and brown. Lots of leaves had already fallen to the ground. We really enjoyed walking through them.

Starting Our Tudor Houses

We are now at the painting stage for our Tudor houses. We've painted to wooden frames already and we are nearly all done with painting the houses. Its going to take a few more weeks of work to finish them off but we are starting to see some good progress now. We also had a … Read more