Class 1R made bread!

Class 1R read the story of Little Red Hen.  They made some bread just like the hen does in the story.  Mrs Mills showed the children how to mix and knead the dough and then they shaped it before baking it in the oven.  Here are some photos.

Road Safety!

Classes R and 1R spent a morning learning about road safety.  They were taught how to cross a road safely with an adult. They were also taught the importance of wearing a seat belt in the car and how to wear it properly.  The children had to demonstrate they had listened carefully by crossing a … Read more

Road Safety in Reception

Road Safety Week was the focus of our ‘Understanding the World’ learning this week. We looked at: King of the Roadand Supersafe with Superted on: We talked about what ‘traffic’ is and safe places to cross the road. The children enjoyed looking at this website: On Tuesday a lady from the Herts Road Safety team led … Read more

Jazzing up The Jungle Book

Class 4/5 took inspiration from Classic Literature for their dance classes this term and produced a group dance to The Bare Necessities. They started with a whole class stroll incorporating seven different jazz moves and then took some of these moves to form their own sequences in smaller groups. Next they had to teach their … Read more

Cadbury World

The 5/6 Classes went to Cadbury World.  Read some of their short reports about the trip.  Cadbury World On Friday 13th November the 5/6 classes visited Cadbury world  It was a long journey but we eventually got there and it was worth it! First of all, we queued up to enter the experience and we … Read more

5/6W Class Blog

Blog of the week Monday On Monday 5/6w split up for Maths, had an assembly then Literacy in the morning where Mrs Hall , Mrs Wheat and Miss Ayliffe taught us. We did lots of fun things involving Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In English, we had to read instructions.  It was funny because we had … Read more

5/6 Classes visit Cadbury World

As part of our Geography unit of work, the 5/6 classes took a trip up to Birmingham to visit the Cadbury factory. It was a long day but well worth the journey! On arrival we were shown into the chocolate exhibition. Here we learned about the history and origins of chocolate from the time of … Read more


In Art Class 3 have been exploring how relationships are portrayed in paintings, drawings and photographs. We studied the composition of lots of different pictures and paintings whilst discussing how the artist communicated the relationship of the people in the pictures.  The children then posed in groups and took it in turns to sketch different poses thinking all … Read more

Reception children explored the dark this week

An exciting week as the children explored the dark by sitting in the unlit ‘dark den’ and then added different sorts of lights. We talked about sources of light, learnt about nocturnal animals and about fears of the dark as we heard the story of 'The owl who was afraid of the dark' by Jill … Read more