Happy New Year

Welcome back and a very happy and healthy New Year wish to you all. It was lovely to see everyone back on Tuesday and the children all seemed genuinely pleased to see their friends again. Early morning child initiated play has been full of chatter and sharing news and we also had a new addition to our … Read more

The Great Fire of London

The autumn term was an extremely exciting time in class 1/2. As part of our History work we were learning about The Great Fire of London. This provided us with a lot of fun lessons, where everyone became experts about the fire. We had a visit from the fire service and at the end of … Read more

What’s going on this term?

Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holidays. I just wanted to give you a very brief overview of some of the books we will be reading and areas we will be covering, this term. BooksSomething ElseThe Whale’s songThad gets to the moonStop that soundThe Dragon MachineFarmer DuckMy DayNursery rhymes and tongue twisters (traditional) Maths5 … Read more

Only 7 ‘sleeps’ until Christmas!

Looking back over the term what a lot has been achieved. The children are now settled into the routines and the foundations of good learning have been laid. It has been an exciting last week, with the Christmas play completed and the panto last week, we have had a great week of reading lots of … Read more

Following instructions

In our literacy work we have been learning how to follow instructions. We had to follow the instructions for how to make a model of a hibernation nest, for a hedgehog to hibernate in, in winter. Firstly we collected everything we needed and then made this model of a warm, safe nest. We really enjoyed … Read more

Fingers all accounted for!

Class 3 has been using hack saws and learning how to saw safely as part of their unit of work in DT. As part of this unit, the children firstly designed and made their own highly decorated cardboard photo frames and moved on to making a contemporary design, which may end up under the Christmas tree … Read more

Busy Weeks for the School Council

The School Council members have been busy in the last few weeks. They ran three stalls at the Winter Wonderland and have collected food in support of the 'Letchworth Foodbank'. Lots of members of the School Council were able to help to run the stalls at the Winter Wonderland which involved guessing the name of … Read more

He’s behind you! Oh no he isn’t!

In the absence of Mrs Light, Mrs Driver has written the blog this week as she has had an insight into the comings and goings in reception! Much of our time this week has been spent rehearsing the Christmas show and I hope everyone really enjoyed the performance this afternoon. Mrs Wagstaffe wrote it all … Read more

Class 4/5 had loaves of fun in DT this half term!

This term Class 4/5 have been making bread in their DT lessons. The unit began with the all-important tasting session and each week they’ve taken in turns to make their own loaves. When they weren’t making bread they were taking part in activities about bread. The first whole class activity was a test to see … Read more

Nearly time for the reception Christmas show!

Practising for the Christmas show next week affected our daily routines but the children still managed to pack in a lot of activity this week. In literacy we discussed Father Christmas and added our own verses to a poem entitled ‘What’s in Santa’s beard?’. The children painted Santa to decorate the infant corridor and we … Read more