Year 6 Lion King trip

On Wednesday 24th May, Year 6 visited London in order to watch the West End show ‘The Lion King’. Unfortunately, we didn’t get quite as long as we’d have liked for sight seeing, due to heavy traffic getting into London, but we spotted St Paul’s cathedral from the bus. We stopped off near Embankment for … Read more

Leaping Lizards

In Year 3, we had a great time at our Art Workshop. We drew lizards on paper which we then cut out. We drew round them on foam and cut those out to make a stamp, adding patterns and details to make our lizards look extra cool. Then we used ink and rollers to create … Read more

Flower power in Year 3!

Year 3 have been learning all about plants in Science this term. We learnt how water is transported from the roots, up the stem to the leaves where some water evaporates. We acted this out to help us remember! We also learn about the different parts of a flower and how the flower makes seeds. … Read more

Nature in Art

Hazel class have been exploring nature in Art over the last couple of weeks. They went out onto the field to have a go at sketching natural objects such as flowers, leaves, bark, twigs and stones. The children looked carefully at the objects and tried to copy the lines, patterns, light and shadows in their … Read more

Year 6 School Journey

Year 6 visited PGL Bawdsey Manor last week and had an incredible time. We were really lucky with the weather as it was dry and sunny all week. We had a jam packed week with 5 activities each day ranging from abseiling, archery, canoeing, orienteering, zip wire, capture the flag, campfire, quiz show, buggy build, … Read more

Fruit Kebabs in Hazel Class

In DT this week Hazel class have enjoyed making their own fruit kebabs. After learning about food hygiene and how to correctly prepare fruit, the children designed and then made their fruit kebabs. The children really enjoyed this activity and did a great job!

Healthy in Holly

As part of our Design and Technology work, the children designed, made and ate healthy fruit kebabs. We started by looking at all the different fruits and vegetables, including where they come from and what part of the plant we eat. After learning about food hygiene, we then went on to practise some useful skills: … Read more

Our day as Anglo-Saxons!

Year 4 had a fantastic day with History Off the Page learning all about Anglo-Saxons. They spent the morning choosing between a variety of activities from weaving to candle making and illuminated letters to jewellery making. Pottery skills were used to sculpt gargoyles, a pendant mould and rune stones. All of these crafts were interwoven … Read more