Pancake race 2016

The fiercely contested Annual Pancake Race was run on Shrove Tuesday. Runners from each house and each year group competed for the glory of coming first! The whole school descended onto the bottom playground to watch this annual event. 4 year 3 boys were the first to run and as Mrs Driver started the race … Read more

Toys old and new

Looking at toys old and new was the focus of our work this week. We started the week with Dogger by Shirley Hughes, a firm favourite of many children. We heard the story, and wrote a description of Dogger, the lost toy dog. Wednesday saw the arrival of parents and grandparents toys and there were … Read more

Living things in science

We have been learning about the needs of living things in science and the school value of patience. We have watered our hyacinth bulb and have waited patiently for it to grow. Yippee! Here it is at last. It smells loveley

Welcome to our teddies and a week of bears!

The children welcomed their teddy bears into school on Monday as we embarked on a day of ‘bear centred’ activity. The teddy bears were measured to find out which one was the tallest and who had the Ellie’s  teddy was by far the tallest with Faye’s being the shortest. When we measured the waists … Read more

Class 5/6W Class Assembly

Our class assembly this term was almost entirely in French but we did have Freddie acting as translator for the keystage 1 children.  We gave information about France and talked about some of the things France is famous for. Then, we had roleplays about greetings, illness and  ordering food in a restaurant.  There were songs in French … Read more

Learning about birds in reception this week

With the start of the ‘Big Schools’ Bird watch’ the children have been learning about different birds that we hope to see when the binoculars come out and we go bird watching next week. The children made bird cakes to encourage birds onto our school site. We will hang them out around the school site … Read more

Wartime Posters

In History, we are learning all about World War II.  This week, we have been looking at the posters produced to mobillise the British civilian population into supporting the war effort.  The children then produced their own versions.  Take a look.

Patience rewarded as the hyacinths in reception bloom

This week in literacy we have been reading different versions of the well-known story of Little Red Riding Hood. Throughout the week we read books together, encouraging the children to read along. The story gave us a chance to talk about keeping themselves safe by doing what their parents tell them and of course not … Read more

Pottery in Class 3

Class 3 have been learning about how the Bell Beaker People brought their knowledge and skills of smelting bronze and making tools, jewellery and weapons to Britain during the Bronze Age.  As the Beaker People were known for making beautifully decorated clay pots we thought it would be fun to have a go at designing and making … Read more