World Book Day Fun

We had a great day imagining we were at Hogwarts on World Book Day.  The children really enjoyed dressing up and getting into character for the day. They shared their favourite books and characters with the class, had lessons with a magical twist and even played in a Quidditch tournament during PE!

World Book Week

We have enjoyed World Book Week and reading and talking about all sorts of books. Today we concentrated on Magic and Mystery and dressed as characters from the Harry Potter stories. Mrs Brown was Madam Hooch the Quiditch Teacher and she tried to teach us to 'fly' in our P.E lesson. ( We did move … Read more

Two trips in one week for reception!

What a fantastic start to the week, a visit to Hitchin Fire Station. The children had watched an interesting dvd last Friday in preparation for their visit. This was all part of their ‘understanding of the world’ work on people who help us.  The fireman in charge of the watch told us about the jobs … Read more

Class 1R visit Shuttleworth

The children in Class 1R have been learning about old aeroplanes and the people who flew them.  We visited Shuttleworth to see some of these old planes and to find out more information about them. There were lots of old aeroplanes to see and we had guides to tell us all about them.  We have … Read more

A busy start to the second half of the spring term

Welcome back after the half term break. It is good to see that many of the cold and coughs have cleared up but unfortunately the sickness and tummy bug virus is around. Please remember that schools state that the child must be clear of vomiting or diarrhoea for 24 hours after the last episode, before … Read more

A Guide to the Law

During Feeling Good Week, Mrs Mackintosh came into school to spend the afternoon with the Year 6 children from both 5/6 Classes. The children took on roles to see a court case in action.  One of our actors had stolen an item from a local shop.  We then had witnesses, a police officer, the child's … Read more

Feeling Good Week

The 5/6 Classes had a fantastic day learning all about Road Safety during Feeling Good Week.  We had guest speakers who gave us some hands-on experience, showed us films and led discussions – the children discovered just how dangerous it is to use their mobile phones near roads.   Both classess then produced some posters to warn other … Read more

Naughty Bus in the Reception class

Well done everyone, a great half term with lots of new things learnt and now we are all ready for a break to get rid of colds and coughs and renew our energy for the  weeks leading up to Easter. It was a week with two celebrations which kept us busy. It was Chinese New … Read more

Class 3 make healthy sandwiches

Class 3 planned, made and evaluated healthy sandwiches – and got to eat them too!  They began by thinking about what a healthy well-balanced diet should include and the different food groups.  The Class then focused on transferring this knowledge to tasting and assessing different breads and fillings before planning and making some very tasty … Read more

Making circuits in Class 3/4

We have had great fun investigating electrical circuits and working out where wires, bulbs and batteries need to go in order to make a bulb light up.  It was quite tricky putting the equipment together but we found out that a circuit needs to be complete in order to make an appliance work.  In another … Read more