Botanists in Class 3

This half term Class 3 have been looking closely at plants; specifically at the function of roots, leaves and flowers.  As well as growing our own beans from seed and watching our ‘pet’ Venus Flytrap produce a flower we have been carrying out investigations with geranium plants. One of our questions was:  Do plants need leaves to grow?  … Read more

Class 2s visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum

Class 2 had a very interesting day on Tuesday 15th March visiting the Florence Nightingale Museum near St. Thomas's Hospital in London. When we arrived we had our lunch in a park by the River Thames, over looking the Houses of Parliament. When we arrived at the museum, we were met by an excellent actress … Read more

Scooting for ‘Sport Relief’ in reception

Scooting for 'Sport Relief' was an enjoyable physical activity this week, as the reception    children concluding their work on houses and investigated the arrival of spring.  The  mile was completed by everyone and although it  provided a stamina challenge for some, it raised £30 for the charity.         It was necessary this week to do some … Read more

Class 3 visit Cambridge University Botanical Gardens

Class 3 had a wonderful day at Cambridge University Botanical Gardens learning about plants from all over the world.  In the glasshouses we travelled the world via hot and humid jungles, dry desert lands and even to the top of the highest mountains.  In each different part of the world we learned about how plants … Read more

Class 1R runs an obstacle race for Sport Relief!

Every child paid £1 to take part in the obstacle race this afternoon in aid of Sport Relief.  The children were told they had to run a minimum of 3 laps (which is the equivalent of one mile!) to earn a Sport Relief sticker.  The children in Class 1R obviously had lots of energy as … Read more

Class 1R’s Shuttleworth Assembly

On Wednesday 16th March Class 1R performed a class Assembly to the whole school about their trip to Shuttleworth.   The children had learnt their lines very well and spoke in beautifully clear voices. Mrs Tite was very proud of her class!

Better late than never!

Friday was a manic day and so was Monday, hence the late arrival of the reception blog. At last we are back on track with our topic of houses and the ideal story was The Three Little Pigs. This was a story that most children knew and by looking at several different versions throughout the week, … Read more

Non-fiction work in Class 1R

Last week Class 1R were learning how to write non-fiction sentences in their Literacy lessons.  They made their own information books about owls.   They learnt lots of interesting facts about the birds and recorded these as neatly as they could in their books.  They added pictures to complete the pages.  Here is some of their … Read more

World Book Week

We have enjoyed World Book Week and reading and talking about all sorts of books. Today we concentrated on Magic and Mystery and dressed as characters from the Harry Potter stories. Mrs Brown was Madam Hooch the Quiditch Teacher and she tried to teach us to 'fly' in our P.E lesson. ( We did move … Read more