Butterfly week in the reception class

In class this week the children have been learning about butterflies and waiting for our Painted Lady caterpillars to arrive. They arrived after lunch and they are tiny. We will be checking them daily to see if they are eating and growing. We have read some great stories about butterflies. Starting with the informative Usborne … Read more

Class 1R’s Minibeast Assembly

Class 1R performed an Assembly about minibeasts to the whole school on Wednesday 4th May.  Mrs Tite was really impressed with how well they learnt their lines and how clearly they spoke!

The tadpoles are still with us

Last week we started our work on life cycles and living things. The tadpoles survived the Easter holiday and we have been watching them closely. A few are starting to grow their back legs! We looked at websites to find out more about frogs: www.usbourne-quicklinks.com In our Big Write lesson this week the children wrote … Read more

Waterbeach Waste and Recycling Centre

On Friday, World Earth Day, Class 4/5 took a trip to the Waterbeach Waste and Recycling Centre in Cambridgeshire. They spent the day learning about the importance of recycling and saw first hand what happens when people don't do enough of it, or don't do it properly. They started the day with a sorting activity … Read more

Recycling the rubbish to make fashion

On the first day back after the Easter holidays, Class 4/5 spent the day making outfits from household rubbish as part of their DT work, as well as being linked to their Geography project on Waste and Recycling. Weeks before, they were asked to think about what sort of outfit they would like to design and … Read more

Class 3 Discover level ‘Arts Award’

Mrs Lowe has been working with Class 3 on their Discover level 'Arts Award' qualification. The children have found out about local 'Arts' provision and what the 'Arts' are.  They have talked about their experiences and who is their inspiration! The children each made an Arts Log book in which they have recorded their Arts journey. … Read more

Class 5/6W does Circuits

In a recent PE lesson, Class 5/6W experienced a Circuits session.  Mr Sears ensured every muscle was being used with a range of different activities to strengthen our muscles and get our hearts pumping fast.  Have a look through the pictures to see how much the children 'enjoyed' it.

Andy Warhol portraits

This week, we had an incredibly inspiring talk by a famous artist – Andy Warhol came to visit!  We learnt a huge amount about the artist's life, how he lived and how he always wanted his art to stand out as 'different'.  Some of us were particularly impressed with the fact that, when he was … Read more

Fun four days

Easter came and went and here we were back for four action packed days. On Tuesday Van Gogh (Paul Priestly) came to visit us, with a very dramatic, action packed representation of his life and famous works .Key Stage 1 children then had some practise of sketching fields, trees, bushes and stars and shading using … Read more