As easy as 1, 2, 3!

The children have been doing some amazing maths work over the last couple of weeks. Our focus has been on looking at patterns of numbers beyond 20 to 100, developing spatial reasoning skills and understanding the language that can be be used to help with addition and subtraction. Here are just a few highlights of … Read more

More from Reception

During adult directed activities in maths the children have been working on their spatial awareness by rotating and moving shapes to fit spaces or match pictures. They have also been working on their keyboard skills by finding the correct letters to type their name and to do some spellings!

Summer Term is here!

It’s been great being back at school and the children have very quickly settled back into their routines. Here is a selection of photos of how they’ve been keeping themselves busy during Discover & Do over the last 2 weeks… Writing and mark making: the children have been using post it notes to write messages … Read more

Buddy Story Time

As the weather becomes nicer and we move into Summer Term in April, the children will spend their lunchtime on the field with the rest of the school. For lots of children this is super exciting and they enjoy the freedoms playing on the field gives. For a few, however, leaving the safety of our … Read more

Peppa Pig Fun!

Firstly, we need to start by saying how amazingly the children behaved on our trip to the theatre today. To say they were excited was an understatement – for many of them it was their first experience of a coach, the theatre and a school trip! Despite their excitement they sat beautifully on the coach … Read more

Wonderful World Book Day!

At William Ransom reading is a major part of every day and we strive to ensure all children read for enjoyment. World Book Day just gives us another chance to celebrate the wonderful world of books and reading and that we did on Thursday. We spent the whole day sharing stories and talking about books … Read more