All types of houses!

Oak and Ash left Reception today for a short walk in the local area to look at different types of houses. They had a fantastic time whilst out and all behaved impeccably. We saw so many different types of houses and features, from eco houses with solar panels on their roofs to centuries old terraced … Read more

Sombre celebrations in Reception

Last week we continued our focus on Bonfire Night, using the children’s first-hand experiences from the previous weekend to extend their learning. During topic we also spent time learning and talking about Remembrance Day. The children showed great maturity on Friday morning in joining a whole school two-minute silence. Our silence in Reception was accompanied … Read more

Spells and Bonfires!

This week our learning has been around the themes of Halloween and Bonfire Night. During Discover & Do we have had lots of enhancements in the classroom and outdoor area associated with spells and fireworks, amongst other things, and during Group Activities we have written potions and described fireworks. Below is a selection of photos … Read more

Autumn vibes in Reception

We have had a thoroughly productive week in Reception during Discover & Do. The children have enjoyed linking their learning to topics and stories discussed in class, including autumn, hedgehogs, and numbers 1, 2, 3. They have enjoyed art activities linked to Yayoi Kusama and today were introduced to the work of American artist Alma … Read more

Harvest time!

The children really enjoyed their first assembly on Wednesday. They sat beautifully and were impeccably behaved throughout. Thank you all for your donations of fruit and vegetables. We took our fruit and vegetables down to the hall before assembly started. Linking to the theme of harvest, some of the children made tractors from junk modelling. … Read more

Harvest Week of Discover & Do

It’s been a busy week of learning during the children’s independent learning time. Some areas were left completely child-led while other areas of the classrooms had some enhancements to support the learning we are doing in group activities and carpet time. Below is a selection of photos of some of the things the children got … Read more