Another busy week in the Reception class

This week in literacy we have been reading different versions of the well-known story of Little Red Riding Hood. Throughout the week we read books together under the visualiser, encouraging the children to read along. We also watched it on Cbeebies on The children wrote sentences about pictures from the story using their word … Read more

Learning is fun in apparatus

Last term we learnt how to carry the apparatus and practised the techniques of moving,jumping and rolling. Now we are extending this work into balancing on body parts and performing a sequence of movements along the floor, onto and along the apparatus, holding a balance and dismounting. We hope you enjoy looking at some of … Read more

Reception weekly update

Now that the website is up and running I will try and put a weekly update on our class page to fill you in on what we have been doing at school. Hopefully this will be useful to parents whose children choose not to tell them about their time at school but will also be … Read more


Show and Tell for a Friday 18.1.13-Photos of them as a baby and a toddler 25.1.13-A photo of their family so that they can show us who everyone is and tell us all about them. 1.2.13-Their favourite toy and be able to explain why. 8.2.13-An old toy/s for our toy museum. This can have belonged … Read more

Christmas Works of Art

The children looked at pictures of the ‘Nativity’ that were painted by some famous artists. The children then used the water colour crayons to make their own pictures. Some children selected a small part of the Christmas story; this might just have been Mary, a king, or an angel. Others decided that they wanted to … Read more

Boys love to eat!

This afternoon the children in reception had their Christmas party. They played a selection of favourite party games including Pass the Parcel and Musical Bumps. After some good old action songs for all to join in, the children settled to eat their party tea. Thirty seven tired little children left school at 3.20 glad that … Read more

Class R visit Aladdin at the Alban Arena

The children in reception had a great morning when they visited the pantomime of Aladdin at the Alban Arena. The roads were very busy as due to rail closures everyone was trying to get to work by car! Having left ourselves well over an hour to travel we just managed to get into our seats … Read more

Christmas Maths

In maths today we made paper chains using a two colour repeat pattern. We joined them together and the chain reached from the back door of the Reception room, all the way down to the hall. It was 348cm long.

Reception Christmas Production

A Sense of Christmas The children in Reception have worked hard this year to learn their words and songs and remember what they should be doing so that they could perform their Christmas play as a present for their parents. With a performance to the whole school on Wednesday morning and a performance for parents … Read more