Our favourite books

In preparation for World Book Day the children bought in their favourite book to share with the class. We sorted our books into two sets, fiction and non -fiction. We discussed the authors, publishers, the illustrations on the front covers and how the tittles had been written. The children then tried to draw the cover … Read more

Back at school

The reception children started back refreshed after a week off school and were soon eagerly recounting their holiday news to friends and teachers! As our first piece of work after the holiday the children made their news writing into a book to share. The children are taking part in the ‘Grow your own potatoes’ competition … Read more

What have we been doing in reception this week?

Yet another busy week in reception and only a week to go until half term. This week saw an exciting two day visit by an artist, Chinese New Year, an introduction to ‘old toys’, an introduction to using money and assessment tasks against which we can assess academic progress. As you will have already seen … Read more

Reception weekly update

Most of our activities this week centred around the well-known story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In literacy we have been reading different versions of the story. Throughout the week we read books together under the visualiser, encouraging the children to read along and then discussed different aspects of the book. The children were … Read more

Reception learn about birds

Last week the children were looking at different types of birds that they might see when taking part in the ‘Little Schools’ Birdwatch’ project. They had to try and sketch the bird from the photograph they had chosen and paint it with the water colour paints. This was quite a difficult task for the children … Read more

The reception class build their snowman

For the last session of the day, those of us who had our boots, wrapped up warm and went for a walk over the school field. Well, who could resisit a huge blanket of untrodden snow?! We built a rather small snowman and then made a ‘magic ring’ of snowballs around him.

Snuggle up and listen to a story

If you want to come indoors and warm up after a great morning playing in the snow have a look at the story of Goldilocks on www.britishcouncil.org/kids-stories-goldilocks.htm. Maybe you have a copy of this story. If you have got one, have a look at it because the story may be told in a different way. … Read more