A busy week of minibeasts and now off into space!

Half term sounded full of exciting adventures for the children in the reception class. Each child talked about what they had done in the holiday and then wrote a short recount and picture to make our class ‘Half Term Holiday’ book. Tuesday was another exciting and exhausting day as the reception class visited Shepreth Wildlife … Read more

End of half term!

The only minibeasts on show this week were the slugs and snails, the prime suspects for eating our precious courgettes! On the plus side some of the sunflowers are up and the beans are planted. minibeast hunting will have to wait until next half term. Jack and the beanstalk was the centre of our literacy … Read more

Spiders our new theme and not a live spider in sight!

The reception children already knew a lot about our eight legged friends but through non-fiction books, e-books and websites lots of new interesting information has been learnt. We also looked at stories and rhymes about spiders. Our art and technology work was centred on spiders and their webs but very few are finished. Pictures of … Read more

Reception investigate slimy snails.

After an interesting ‘Show and Tell’ last Friday the reception children already knew lots of facts about snails. A non-fiction Usborne text entitled ‘Snails’ added to the children’s knowledge and they all wrote some interesting facts for their writing in class. Story recall of ‘Odo the Snail’ was the best writing of the week with … Read more

It’s spring and Reception learn about butterflies.

In class this week the children have been learning about butterflies ready for the first week back after half term when we will receive our Painted Lady caterpillars and watch them grow and change into butterflies. We have read some great stories about butterflies from the classic Hungry Caterpillar to the tragic tale of Tadpole’s … Read more

Hooray! The Easter holidays are here.

This has been a busy four days learning about the celebrations associated with Easter. The children heard the Easter story and watched a cartoon version from a BBC dvd. Then they made a book showing the main events in the Easter story. In the afternoon they looked at different artists interpretations of the Easter story … Read more

It is nearly Easter!

With four days left of this term the children in reception finished their work on houses by looking at the picture by Van Gogh of his bedroom at Arles. Using their sketches and photos from last week’s ‘Show and Tell’ they attempted to paint a picture of their own bedrooms. Having joined the RSPB ‘Wildsquare’ … Read more

Weekly update from the Reception class

With the theme of houses well underway, the wall hanging of ‘Our Houses’ went up in the classroom for all to see. The clay houses were painted, the children painted a picture of their own house and the children went for a walk down Benslow Lane to look at the different types of houses. That … Read more