Safety First!

This week Reception have been learning about how to keep safe at the railway station and on trains and also how to keep safe whilst travelling by car. The children were very knowledgeable already about both, knowing, for example, that they should stand behind the yellow line on the platform of a train station and … Read more

Supertato to the rescue!

It’s been wonderful to be back after half term and the children have thrown themselves into our new topic of Superheroes. This week we have been exploring the stories of Supertato, which we are all thoroughly enjoying! The enhancements to our continuous provision in Discover & Do this week has included making superhero cuffs and … Read more

A great end to a fantastic half term!

The children have enjoyed our last week of traditional tales, exploring the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and all enjoying a spoonful of porridge that was neither hot nor cold but “just right!” Discover & Do has been full of learning as always. It’s been wonderful to have a little bit of sun … Read more

Feeling celebratory in Reception!

This week the children have had lots of opportunities to learn about China and Lunar New Year. In Topic time we have learnt how Lunar New Year is celebrated, the story of the Great Race and the animals that represent different years. In PE, in yoga class, we made movements and shapes to a Chinese … Read more

Learning all about the Library!

The children in Reception had a wonderful morning at Hitchin Library today. They were all very excited for their ride on the coach and behaved impeccably throughout. Deb gave us a very warm welcome and read us several stories, which we all thought were fantastic. We explored the whole library, upstairs and down, and learnt … Read more

Fun in Discover & Do!

The children have had lots of opportunity to extend their learning and explore their curiosities this week in Discover & Do. Below is a selection of photos. We continued our learning on Paul Horton. Children had the opportunity to explore shades and tints and draw neat black outlines around the houses they painted last week. … Read more

New year, new things to discover & do!

The children have settled back into school brilliantly and we’ve got straight into some super learning in the first week of Spring term. The themes and topics running through this week and next week are The Three Little Pigs, different building and houses, the artist Paul Horton and watercolour painting and recyclying. The children have … Read more