Welcome back!

Early morning child initiated play has been full of chatter, sharing news and telling jokes, a new addition to their social interaction. The children have obviously been inspired by all the ‘cracker’ jokes that they heard over Christmas! Our writing this week started by retelling news from the Christmas holiday. We moved on to writing … Read more

We made it and only 5 sleeps until Christmas!

Looking back over the term what a lot has been achieved. All children are now settled into the routines and the foundations of good learning have been laid. An exciting last week, with the Christmas play completed we got off to a great start with our visit to the pantomime Cinderella, at the Alban Arena. … Read more

A big well done to the reception children!

The whole school watched the children perform their Christmas show on Wednesday morning and despite being a bit like sardines squashed into just half of the hall they all seemed to enjoy the performance. A great show, despite a few minor hiccups! Their last performance to parents and grandparents this afternoon was amazing! Despite a … Read more

Only ten busy school days until the end of term!

With the start of Advent this week comes the excitement of opening the class calendar, burning the candle and the question ‘Who will get the chocolate today?’ The children are now counting the number of sleeps until Christmas day, the adults in reception are counting the number of practices until the reception Christmas show…Will everyone … Read more

How many weeks until Christmas!!

In Reception this week the children talked about Advent, the days leading up to the festival of Christmas. With the Advent house ready, whose picture will be behind doors 1 and 2 as we open them on Monday and light the Advent candle? The Christmas story was read, watched and the illustrations are fabulous. Look … Read more

Road Safety in Reception

With it being Road safety week we choose to look at keeping safe whilst out with an adult and crossing the road. We looked at: King of the road and Supersafe with Superted. Then we went out and practised crossing the small road outside school. We talked about what traffic is and where we should … Read more

A full week of celebrations

The week started with circle time in small groups to give all children the opportunity to talk about their half term holiday. What a lot of exciting things you all did! Diwali started on November 3rd and the children learnt about this celebration. They made clay divas and Rangoli patterns. They will paint the divas … Read more

Firework acrostic poems

Shared writing of acrostic poems about fireworks by the Reception children. FIREWORKS Fireworks go boom! I want to watch them. Rockets go BANG! Ellie loves the pretty fireworks. William likes the colours. Orange, purple, pink, yellow Red, green, and blue. Kids hold the sparklers Spin the sparkler round and round. FIREWORKS Fireworks go whoosh and … Read more

Half term has arrived!

Half term has arrived, a time to recharge batteries, practise skills learn so far and return fighting fit for the seven weeks that lead up to Christmas. This week we have celebrated National Apple Week by looking at and tasting different types of apples. We found out that the saying ‘An apple a day keeps … Read more