Out in the sunshine scooting and looking for spring.

A few lovely days were a great opportunity to get out into the local area and look for signs of spring. Having joined the RSPB ‘Wild Square’ project for exploring nature last year, the children went out with their surveys looking for signs of spring. They wrote about their walk and we looked at non-fiction … Read more

Pancakes, firemen and books, what an exciting week.

With two celebrations this week it was bound to be a busy few days. In preparation for pancake day or ‘Shrove Tuesday.’ The children started the week by reading The Big Pancake, they retold the story as a writing activity and watched Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes’ on You Tube as a reward for some excellent writing. … Read more

What an artistic week!

What a great week for exploring our artistic talents! The children produced some exciting pictures after meeting ‘Hockney’ and being taught how to draw in his style. They also learnt how to shade in with a drawing pencil. The colour mixing and the painting was more of a challenge but everyone was pleased with the … Read more

What more art?

With a second visit from an artist, Monet this time, who could resist trying out some more techniques to produce our own works of art!Whilst half of the class finished their Hockney pictures the rest of the children made their impression of the lily pond with torn tissue paper. These were later put together to … Read more

Naughty Bus but not naughty children!

Well done everyone, a great half term with lots of new things learnt and now we are all ready for a break to get rid of all the nasty colds and renew our energy for the six weeks up to Easter. In literacy this week we watched the story of The Naughty Bus. You can … Read more

Toys old and new have inspired our work this week.

What is a toy museum and how does it work? This was our Monday morning question. Using everybody’s ideas we found some answers and then had a ‘virtual tour’ of the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood. With this experience to help us, the children put on their curator badges and started to sort the piles … Read more

Reception fun with birdwatching and teddies visiting.

Monday morning and there were lots of furry visitors to the reception class. The children welcomed their teddy bears into school on Monday as we embarked on a day of ‘bear centred’ activity. The teddy bears were measured with strips of border tape to find out which one was the tallest and who had the … Read more

Reception learnt all about birds this week.

With the start of the ‘Big Schools’ Birdwatch’ the children have been learning about different birds that we hope to see when the binoculars come out and we go bird watching next week. They made bird cakes to encourage birds onto our school site. We made the ‘dark den’ into a bird hide to conceal … Read more