World Cup fever hits the reception class!

A very warm week has not been conducive to minibeast hunting but fabulous in most respects! The reception children explored another two habitats on our bug hunting Monday. Firstly they looked at what lived in the trees. The children looked at the trunk of the trees and then held white sheets and shook the branches … Read more

Reception investigates several sorts of slimy snails.

Another week packed with activity and learning. After a quick chat with ‘talking partners’ we discovered that between us we knew quite a lot about snails. A non-fiction Usborne text entitled ‘Snails’ added to the children’s knowledge and they all wrote some interesting facts for their writing in class. Story recall of ‘Odo the Snail’ … Read more

Minibeasts in the reception class

In class this week the children have been learning about butterflies and watching our Painted Lady caterpillars grow. We have read some great stories about butterflies from the informative Usborne ‘Butterflies’ with its informative website, to the classic Hungry Caterpillar and hence this weekend’s writing homework. ‘Ben plants a butterfly garden’ has prompted us to … Read more

A wild week in reception!

Tadpoles, froglets and caterpillars and of course children, what a fascinating week! This week we started our work on life cycles and living things. With three tadpoles changing into froglets we read some non-fiction books and e-books about their development and completed a frog life cycle in our computer lesson. Look at these websites to … Read more

Welcome back

A nice short week to break everyone in gently, however we’ve managed to cram it full of new experiences! Hopefully your child has been telling you all about our recycling work. Two ladies from North Herts Council did some sorting with the children and we learnt some songs about recycling and heard the story of … Read more

Easter celebrations in the reception class.

The week started with feverish practising of a hastily put together class assembly. I hope that the film put onto the school website yesterday, helped you to appreciate the hard work that the children had put in over a very short period of time. With Easter cards and baskets to make, seeds to be planted, … Read more

A week of preparation

Another busy week preparing our cards for Mother’s Day and getting ready for a class assembly. Mother’s day cards were finished just in time. I hope that the anemones made it home safely! As we prepare for our class assembly about our work on spring I would ask that all children practise saying the individual … Read more