Well done to the children in the reception class

Already we are half way through the first half term and the children in the reception class have had another busy week. In maths we have been learning to describe position using correct terminology and to following positional vocabulary to place ourselves and equipment. Rosie’s Walk was a great book to use as an introduction. … Read more

A great first week

Well done to the first twenty children who have completed a week of mornings only and lunch. The children all received an 'Achiever' sticker for being so fantastic in their first week at school. They have settled really well and have tried everything that they have been asked to do with happy smiles! As you … Read more

And it’s goodbye from all of us!

A very hot week packed with pirate stories, maths and games, a fun way to end a hard working year. On behalf of myself and my team of TA’s I would like to say thanks you all for the support that you have given your children this year. It has made the job that we … Read more

Dreaming of seaside holidays!

This week the reception class were thinking about holidays at the seaside, past and present. The children heard stories about the going to the seaside and looked at features of a beach through Google Earth. The beach pictures done by the children were great and the children enjoyed looking back at seaside holidays in the … Read more

Aliens in reception this week

The last week of learning about space and we ventured into alien territory. Making our own aliens was a fun activity and a chance to let the imagination run riot! Story writing on ‘Fun Writing Friday’ the reception version of ‘The Big Write’ held its usual magic as the children settled down to write their … Read more

Our fantastic solar system!

We have been learning about the planets this week. We looked at some non-fiction books to learn some facts and read some stories. Our favourite story this week was ‘Dogs in Space’. Everyone worked together to make a picture about the story. Our writing this week has included a report on the potato harvest, the … Read more

Reception explore the Moon

This week the children have been learning about the Moon, Neil Armstrong and about space travel. We looked at Google Moon which was fantastic and the children really enjoyed it. You can find it on Google Earth and then go to the picture of the yellow planet on the tool bar at the top of … Read more