Only 6 sleeps until Christmas!

Looking back over the term what a lot has been achieved. All children are now settled into the routines and the foundations of good learning have been laid. It has been an exciting last week, with the Christmas play completed; we got off to a great start with our visit to the pantomime Jack and … Read more

Show time for reception class

The whole school watched the children perform their Christmas show on Wednesday morning and despite being a bit like sardines squashed into just half of the hall they all seemed to enjoy the performance. A great show, with very few incidents! Their last performance to parents and grandparents this afternoon was amazing!Despite a busy week … Read more

Road Safety in Reception

With it being Road Safety Week we invited the Road Safety Team in to talk to the children. Unfortunately the man who was due to come in was ill on Monday and was then unable to come in on Friday as rearranged. Our lessons were planned to follow on from the professional road safety input … Read more

Half term has arrived

Half term has arrived, a time to recharge batteries, practise skills learnt so far and return fighting fit for the seven weeks that lead up to Christmas. This week we have celebrated National Apple Week by looking at and tasting different types of apples. We found out that the saying ‘An apple a day keeps … Read more

Looking at autumn in reception

Autumn has been at the centre of all activity in reception this week. In literacy we have looked at fiction and non-fiction books and poems about autumn. You may like to look again at the autumn story entitled ‘In the Autumn’ on: The children looked at a non-fiction book on how to plant a … Read more

Fun at the farm!

The hi-light of this week was of course the trip to Wimpole Home Farm. Despite a dreary start we only had 5 minutes of rain whilst eating dinner, not even enough to make us seek shelter. The rain had added to the excitement, in creating some lovely muddy muddles and as all children were in … Read more

Hello hats?

On Monday the reception children learnt to say hello in four languages in our International Languages Day celebrations. They looked at bread from different countries and learnt about France when Mr LeCoze visited in the afternoon. With only three weeks to go until half term it is amazing to see how well these children have settled … Read more