Autumn is here!

The week started with finishing off our learning about the farm. Matching baby animals to their mothers and fathers and learning the names. Mr Stewart played a game to reinforce this over the past two Fridays! We also learnt about the products that come from different animals. Monday afternoon saw the start of our ‘Looking … Read more

Fun at the farm!

The hi-light of this week was of course the trip to Wimpole Home Farm. Despite a dreary start we only had a relatively short period of rain and were allowed to eat our dinner in the warmth of the café. The children looked around the ‘rare breeds’ farm. In their talk they learnt about the … Read more

Celebrating harvest in reception

With only three weeks to go until half term, it is amazing to see how well these children have settled into school life which is so very different to nursery. They are all making new friends and the party invites have started! They are becoming part of the whole school community and of course starting … Read more

What a lot we have done!

We are almost half way through the first half term. The children in the reception class have had another busy week. In maths we have been learning to describe position using correct terminology and to following positional vocabulary to place ourselves and equipment. Number recognition and writing the numerals has been an area which the … Read more

Welcome to our younger reception children

The older children have done their first full week, nearly everyone coming into school all by themselves and settling to play. The younger children have made a great start, getting used to the daily routines and coping with dinners in a busy dining room. They have experienced all types of indoor and outdoor learning both … Read more

Welcome to the first group of reception children

Well done to the eighteen children who have completed a week of mornings only and lunch. On Thursday the children all received an 'Achiever' sticker for being so fantastic in their first week at school. They have settled really well and have tried everything that they have been asked to do with happy smiles! As … Read more

Learning about recycling in reception

It was a rather unusual start to the term with an inspirational writing day. An early assembly told us of the strange ‘find’ on the school field and the class set off to investigate. What did we find? An abandoned parachute hanging from a tree, a brown hat and two abandoned cases, one of which … Read more

Mini-beast mayhem this week in the reception class!

Having learnt all about what makes a bug an insect, the children had a great fun finding and identifying plastic bugs on Monday afternoon. What excitement on Tuesday, a real ‘bug hunt’. With it being a cool day the bugs were well hidden but we had some great finds. The reception garden was even more … Read more

Spiders, our topic for this week and not a live spider in sight!

The reception children knew the basic facts about our eight legged friends. Through non-fiction books, e-books and websites, lots of new interesting information has been learnt. We also looked at stories and rhymes about spiders. Our ‘Big Write’ on Friday was non-fiction writing about spiders. The shared writing done on Monday had been beneficial for … Read more