Patience rewarded as the hyacinths in reception bloom

This week in literacy we have been reading different versions of the well-known story of Little Red Riding Hood. Throughout the week we read books together, encouraging the children to read along. The story gave us a chance to talk about keeping themselves safe by doing what their parents tell them and of course not … Read more

Happy New Year

Welcome back and a very happy and healthy New Year wish to you all. It was lovely to see everyone back on Tuesday and the children all seemed genuinely pleased to see their friends again. Early morning child initiated play has been full of chatter and sharing news and we also had a new addition to our … Read more

Only 7 ‘sleeps’ until Christmas!

Looking back over the term what a lot has been achieved. The children are now settled into the routines and the foundations of good learning have been laid. It has been an exciting last week, with the Christmas play completed and the panto last week, we have had a great week of reading lots of … Read more

He’s behind you! Oh no he isn’t!

In the absence of Mrs Light, Mrs Driver has written the blog this week as she has had an insight into the comings and goings in reception! Much of our time this week has been spent rehearsing the Christmas show and I hope everyone really enjoyed the performance this afternoon. Mrs Wagstaffe wrote it all … Read more

Nearly time for the reception Christmas show!

Practising for the Christmas show next week affected our daily routines but the children still managed to pack in a lot of activity this week. In literacy we discussed Father Christmas and added our own verses to a poem entitled ‘What’s in Santa’s beard?’. The children painted Santa to decorate the infant corridor and we … Read more

Road Safety in Reception

Road Safety Week was the focus of our ‘Understanding the World’ learning this week. We looked at: King of the Roadand Supersafe with Superted on: We talked about what ‘traffic’ is and safe places to cross the road. The children enjoyed looking at this website: On Tuesday a lady from the Herts Road Safety team led … Read more

Reception children explored the dark this week

An exciting week as the children explored the dark by sitting in the unlit ‘dark den’ and then added different sorts of lights. We talked about sources of light, learnt about nocturnal animals and about fears of the dark as we heard the story of 'The owl who was afraid of the dark' by Jill … Read more

Another week of celebrations

Another week of celebrations: Diwali and Remembrance Day both on November 11th and it was also National Nursery Rhyme week. The children looked at Espresso and learnt about Diwali, a Hindu and Sikh festival and made divas and Rangoli patterns. After a Remembrance Day assembly and a 2 minute silence the children learnt more on … Read more

The excitement of fireworks

Another busy week as the children learnt some new skills and practised the old. The week started with retelling our half term holiday news which made exciting listening! With Bonfire night on Thursday the children looked at the life of Guy Fawkes and listened to firework poems. They tried to think of words that described … Read more

Half term has arrived

Half term has arrived, a time to recharge batteries, practise skills learnt so far and return fighting fit for the seven weeks that lead up to Christmas. Following on from our autumn activities last week, some of the children used their woodland collections to make faces in the style of an artist called Arcimboldo. This … Read more