The tadpoles are still with us

Last week we started our work on life cycles and living things. The tadpoles survived the Easter holiday and we have been watching them closely. A few are starting to grow their back legs! We looked at websites to find out more about frogs: In our Big Write lesson this week the children wrote … Read more

Fun four days

Easter came and went and here we were back for four action packed days. On Tuesday Van Gogh (Paul Priestly) came to visit us, with a very dramatic, action packed representation of his life and famous works .Key Stage 1 children then had some practise of sketching fields, trees, bushes and stars and shading using … Read more

Scooting for ‘Sport Relief’ in reception

Scooting for 'Sport Relief' was an enjoyable physical activity this week, as the reception    children concluding their work on houses and investigated the arrival of spring.  The  mile was completed by everyone and although it  provided a stamina challenge for some, it raised £30 for the charity.         It was necessary this week to do some … Read more

Better late than never!

Friday was a manic day and so was Monday, hence the late arrival of the reception blog. At last we are back on track with our topic of houses and the ideal story was The Three Little Pigs. This was a story that most children knew and by looking at several different versions throughout the week, … Read more

Two trips in one week for reception!

What a fantastic start to the week, a visit to Hitchin Fire Station. The children had watched an interesting dvd last Friday in preparation for their visit. This was all part of their ‘understanding of the world’ work on people who help us.  The fireman in charge of the watch told us about the jobs … Read more

A busy start to the second half of the spring term

Welcome back after the half term break. It is good to see that many of the cold and coughs have cleared up but unfortunately the sickness and tummy bug virus is around. Please remember that schools state that the child must be clear of vomiting or diarrhoea for 24 hours after the last episode, before … Read more

Naughty Bus in the Reception class

Well done everyone, a great half term with lots of new things learnt and now we are all ready for a break to get rid of colds and coughs and renew our energy for the  weeks leading up to Easter. It was a week with two celebrations which kept us busy. It was Chinese New … Read more

Toys old and new

Looking at toys old and new was the focus of our work this week. We started the week with Dogger by Shirley Hughes, a firm favourite of many children. We heard the story, and wrote a description of Dogger, the lost toy dog. Wednesday saw the arrival of parents and grandparents toys and there were … Read more

Welcome to our teddies and a week of bears!

The children welcomed their teddy bears into school on Monday as we embarked on a day of ‘bear centred’ activity. The teddy bears were measured to find out which one was the tallest and who had the Ellie’s  teddy was by far the tallest with Faye’s being the shortest. When we measured the waists … Read more

Learning about birds in reception this week

With the start of the ‘Big Schools’ Bird watch’ the children have been learning about different birds that we hope to see when the binoculars come out and we go bird watching next week. The children made bird cakes to encourage birds onto our school site. We will hang them out around the school site … Read more